Legal Nation Name: United States of Africa (Subject to change throughout RP) What Areas Do You Control: Mali, Guinea, Sierra Leonne, Liberia, and Guinea-Bissau. Comprised of the states East Mali, South Mali, North Mali, Frechabacka, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea-Africa, Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leonne. Flag or Banner: [url][/url] Political Party: RPGAS (Representative Party of the Great African States) Type of Government: Representative Democracy. President is Dr. Folami Sow. (Both the type of government and the leader of the government subject to change throughout RP) Military: Infantry- 482,090 active soldiers, plus 100 members of a special, elite sniping team. 89 tanks, 928 armored vehicles, 399 artillery. Navy- 11 submarines, one aircraft carrier, 67 warships. While the Navy is large, most of the ships are out of date. Air Force- 15 attack helicopters, two b12 bombers, twelve fighter jets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Military is lead by general of The Republic of Nigeria Currently, the highest position a United African can have is Sergeant. Numbers only include citizens of The United States of Africa Military equipment consists of what is within the country. There is a constant but silent fear that some of this equipment could be seized by The Republic of Nigeria. In fact, some of the military equipment rightfully belongs to the Republic of Nigeria. Productions: Wool, Leather, Meat, and, recently, and most notably, Diamonds. History of the Nation: Over a period of several years, the countries that have now split into the multiple states of the country were steadily growing weaker. After The Republic of Nigeria took over, they united, realized that none of these nations could sustain itself alone. Secretly, they bonded together. Shortly afterwards, the Nigerians learned about the creation of the United States of Africa and, fearing a rebellion, promised to release their grip on the land. Finally, the country achieved independence, albeit very recently. Despite this, The Republic of Nigeria still has a powerful grip on the nation that is too tight and restrictive for many of the United Africans. Main Race: 31% Fula 26% Mande 13% Songhai 11% Mandika 6% Voltaic 5% Susu 8% Other Main Religion: 61.8% Islamic (Sunni Branch) 25.1% Christian (Protestant, Catholic, etc.) 11.6% Non Religious 1.5% Other Other: Most government workers are from the Republic of Nigeria. Through no fault of their own, many citizens from the United States of Africa have no college education. This is because many parents don't like their children receiving an education from the Republic of Nigeria; the bulk of the professors are Nigerian. [hider=PM sent to Dragon that explains a bit more of the relationship] So I was thinking that, although you granted my country freedom, that perhaps you would slowly ease your grip on the area, fearing that the country would become communist or worst without your country's democratic influence. For example, the members of the military above the rank of sergeant would all be from your country. Several government jobs would be held by people from your country, including educators. The political leaders in my country would all believe that you were just trying to gain access to my country's resources, which, although true to some degree, is not the entire story. In reality, you just fear the country becoming corrupt and don't think that it has enough educated personnel to sustain itself. [/hider]