Freddy turned to face the wolves, a frown on his face. He briefly wondered why wolves would randomly attack their camp, but brushed the thoughts away. There'd be time to deal with the why later. For the moment, Fredrick had to deal with a wolf bearing down on him. Fredrick drew his axe, lightning fast, and swung it in a wide arc. The wolf was forced to dart back, snarling in fury at the elf. Freddy moved to press the attack, before an odd feeling caused him to turn, bringing his axe down vertically. He moved in time to stop two charging wolves, who pushed against the flat of his axe blade. He heard Mangy bark and leap behind him, and knew that he didn't have to worry about that wolf. Meanwhile, the two before him were still a threat. Before they could separate and flank him, Freddy braced himself, flat of his axe still pressing against both wolves. He then threw himself forward, swinging his axe upward as he did so. The sheer force caused one wolf to be launched a few feet, while the other was better off and was merely knocked over. Freddy quickly pressed the attack, swinging his axe diagonally and upward to cut the wolf on his right, scoring a deep gash on its side, before charging forward to cleave through the skull of the wolf he'd launched, and then into the ground. The wolf he'd wounded attempted to leap at him, but Freddy let go of his axe to swing his fist at it in a powerful backhand. The wolf yelped and was knocked back, giving Freddy ample time to grasp his axe and attack again. He heaved and pulled his axe through the dirt, to swing it upward in a deadly uppercut. Dirt and rock spilled in front and around Freddy, obscuring him, but the loud deathcries of his wolfish opponent gave anyone watching a clear idea of the results. Mangy ran up next to his sidekick, covered in gore and blood. Freddy blinked, before looking at the trail of wolf bodies Mangy had left. [b]"What the shrieking barkspawn fuck, Mangy! I kill two, and you have to upstage me by killing three! Fucking shit in a dickbasket. You ruin my life."[/b] Mangy merely barked happily. Freddy deigned to continue fighting rather than argue with his dog further, and ran at a pair of wolves that were moving toward Gerard. He decided to shout some tactics at the mage as he charged forward. [b]"Mage! Do some fucking crowd control! If you know how to fucking mass paralyze, now would be the prime shitfucking time to do so!"[/b] Freddy roared out, before swinging his axe behind him and through the dirt in an uppercut, spraying the wolves with rocks and dirt. The two wolves were momentarily stunned, allowing Freddy to swing his axe down on one as Mangy pounced on the other. [b]"Those were mine you four-legged shitmonkey!"[/b] Freddy yelled at his dog. Any points in favor of his intelligence gained through his combat tactics, knowledge of magic and battle knowhow were likely invalidated by the fact that he was arguing with a dog that was likely smarter than him.