"Think for a moment before I mention my wrath before you. There seem to be a lot of your little kids running around wearing the Star Children's scales. I did indeed react harshly even for an angry father, but try to think for a moment. . . it is my children I speak of when I looked to this World Down Below, there was nothing here but many little children, comparatively speaking. . . destroying, yes, farming, fishing, hunting, eating, doing all the good things of life. Of course, destroying as a good thing of life is sardonic. You are the creatures who rule all other creatures besides me. If you only make clock work for your sons and daughters, they are glorified toys, nothing wrong with having some toys to speak with, although I would rather enjoy a nice giant mammoth steak." "Anyway, with my dietary intake somewhat out of the way, please pray that your people's mothers never see their children worn for a nice, handy, burlap sack. They might go on knife cleaving rampages, chopping people into many pieces, including bystanders, and maybe, if crazed enough, other people's children. Not that I want that. . . Ahem. Now please, take out your frustration on the people who are less assertive than I, folk like Astarte who would dare put it's, at least, I think her, or him, um. . . your Gender, please? Anyway, before you answer that, your letting YOUR creations endanger themselves. The numbers certainly aren't anywhere near proportional, and my dragons have already began to organize in much higher numbers." "If you could please refrain yourselves from being my judges, I will make better changes on Galbar."