Grant followed Adelisa to the couch and sat down beside her, looking at her closely. She looked beautiful like she always did, but two years of dating meant that he knew when she'd been crying. He decided to pretend she hadn't been, just to prevent her feeling worse. "Addie..." He started softly, looking at her. He wanted to hold her so badly before he apologized, but kept his hands down at his side. "I'm sorry. That's mostly it. I know you hate it when I sound like a lawyer," his lips quirked up a little in a weak smile at the memories, "so I'm not going to use any pretty words. I just want to say I'm sorry. I... I treated you like less than you are. You're a beautiful, amazing girl that anyone would want to have as their girlfriend, and I've been so caught up in projecting my idea of perfection that I forgot to make you feel perfect, too." He looked down at his lap, then back up at her. "I'm not going to lie, I miss you like crazy. I'm pretty boring without you, huh?" He offered her a weak smile before continuing. "But I know you've probably moved on," he said, thinking of the tattooed guy on the beach. "I just wanted to apologize. And if you can stand having my gorgeous self around, I'd still like us to be friends." Grant joked, trying to lighten the mood. He hated serious and emotional conversations. He knew they were necessary, but it was force of habit that made him try to lighten them however he could.