Jacque was not having a lovely day right about now. Somehow despite having his hands tied behind his back, the horse thief was keeping a fair bit of distance between the two. For a second Jacque considered raising his gun and firing, but without a clear shot the action would have done nothing but waste ammo. There was however an alternative. The horse thief jumped over a fallen tree only to be followed over it by Jacque not more than eight seconds later. He prepared to hop over another log, which gave Jacque just the opportunity he needed. The bounty hunter drew his knife and threw it at the horse thief, hitting him in the back of the thigh as he jumped up. The result was the man falling over the log and shrieking like, well, like a man with a large knife in his leg really. Jacque glared menacingly at the horse thief as he closed the distance, "[b][color=004b80]What the hell did I tell you would happen if you ran? What were the very first things I said!?[/color][/b]", "[b]Wait wait wait, Jacque, I was just trying to get away from the bodies on the road! You saw that-[/b]" *BANG*. As the gun shot rang through the forest, Jacque nonchalantly tried to take aim at his quarry's other knee while the man rolled around and shrieked in agony. *BANG* "[b][color=004b80]I made myself perfectly clear.[/color][/b]" Jacque said as he shouldered his weapon and yanked his knife out of the horse thief's leg. There was no need to be armed anymore, the slugs that had been fired had punched a nice set of ragged holes into the man's knees. The bounty hunter waited a little while for his quarry to stop thrashing and lose consciousness, be it from pain, shock, or blood loss, before pulling some gauze and wrappings from his bag to bind the wounds. He lifted the thief with a grunt and slung him over his shoulder like a sack of flour before making his way back towards the road, being certain to take a route that would move him ahead of the corpses found earlier.