[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/bViRFv8.png[/img][/center] [center][i]June 10th, 1987. South Korean dictator Chun Doo-hwan, having reached the end of his official presidential mandate and willing to step down, announces his choice for a successor. This appointment which oversteps any electoral process triggers the wrath of the students and the liberals, who were hoping for democratic reforms. June 10th to the 18th, 1987. In a matter of days, over a million protesters take to the streets all over the country. US forces in Korea are ordered to remain in lock-down in their barracks. North Korea does not fail to notice the situation in the south. Agents infiltrate designated circles in order to increase the level of chaos, while military forces are put on alert… June 19th, 1987. While police and security forces are about to be overwhelmed, President Chun mobilises the Army in the streets. Hard pressed and panicked by a hostile crowd, an officer orders his troops to fire. In a matter of minutes, the shooting spreads all over the streets of Seoul. June 19th to the 21st, 1987. The crackdown is brutal, resulting in over a thousand casualties and many more arrests. June 21st, 1987. With US troops still confined to their barracks and the ROK Army deployed in the streets, North Korean Leader Kim Il-Sung decides time has come for Korea’s reunification. June 22nd, 1987. When the North Korean artillery barrage rolls over the DMZ at dawn, US and ROK units, disorganised by civil unrest, are taken by complete surprise. June 22nd to the 27th, 1987. Within a few hours, the first lines of defence are overwhelmed. Within a few days, the battered US and ROK units are pushed back to a last perimeter around the vital harbour of Busan. As the North Korean forces launch their final assault against the Busan pocket, a hash-tag element of the ROK’s 3rd Infantry Batallion and the US 9th Infantry Regiment fight through the chaos to reach friendly lines. Located a few miles south of the recently fallen Ulsan, but blocked by vanguard forces of the North Korean 12th Tank Regiment, they face utter annihilation. To make matters worse, the North Koreans are taking no prisoners – especially if they happen to be American. Will the survivors of the onslaught escape to the questionable safety of Busan? Or will they succumb to the deteriorating situation around them? Only time will tell.[/i][/center] [color=ed1c24][center][h2]The General Plot[/h2][/center][/color] The retreating ROK/US troops have just crossed a bridge, throwing caution to the wind in a desperate effort to escape the massacres taking place a few clicks north of their position. The bulk of the North Korean forces are not far behind them, however the vanguard of these forces are already way ahead. Crossing the bridge, the ROK/US column comes under immediate small arms fire from nearby tree lines, forcing them to defend themselves. However, they can't simply sit back and wait to pick off the enemy, because in a matter of hours the main advancing forces of the North Korean 12th Tank Batallion will be rolling up their rear. This means one thing, onwards! Elements of the ROK 3rd Mechanised Infantry Regiment have made contact, and are fighting a tenacious defence of a nearby farm. Their commanding officer has been ordered to keep the evacuation route open, but they can only hold on for so long. The following tactical reconnaissance photographs progress from left to right, geographically speaking. Suspected NK positions and known NK positions have been high lighted. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/6Wb2oOU.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/V6CGw4P.png[/img][/center] If the battered ROK/US column can reach the farm, there is hope for them to join in the defence of Busan. If they don't? Well, I'm sure the North Koreans will present them with cosy hospitality. [color=ed1c24][center][h2]Character Sheet[/h2][/center][/color] [center][i]Players can take on the roll of any rank. The column has some Bradleys and Korean LVTs, which players are welcome to pilot should they wish. I'll even allow a tank or two. Air support is a no-go currently, but will become available as/when the RP progresses towards Busan. Alternatively, players can choose to create North korean characters who will become the sentient apparatus of the 12th Tank Battalion's vanguard. As war is Hell, and chaotic, I think i'll opt for a no-character sheet style approach, and simply allow players to join at will. However as GM I reserve the right to block or banish problematic players.[/i][/center]