Name: Miah Endeavour Age: 19 (ages once every 3 years due to being half elf) Gender: Half elf half human Race: Human Appearence: [img][/img] Weapon/musical talent of choice: Sleigh Bells [url][/url] What Magic can be casted with this weapon/instrument: Earth and Air and she can make her bells sound really loud to disrupt enemies, taunting them to run to her. Bio: Always living a happy life Miah made many friends during her happy and peaceful times in the castle walls, she isn't as demanding as she looks and she isn't as feminine as she looks either; she was almost killed by the intruders 2 years ago until she was 'blessed' by the supposed goddess of music. Now she is recruited by a guard to help fight the war and will do anything to protect the remains and her personnel.