[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Leia%20Gao&name=angelina.ttf&size=50&style_color=808080[/img][/center] Leia always enjoyed making her way to the camp because she enjoyed the calmness of the ocean. The day was pretty as not a single cloud was in the sky and the sun made its presence felt upon their nation. Her eyes looked up as she saw a figurine flying in the air then appeared beside her. Leia gasped and readied her oar for a strike but saw that it was Kira and didn't engage the initial strike. [color=808080][b]"Gosh, Kira. You scared me."[/b][/color] She held her hand over her heart, breathing a bit heavily then eyed her as she asked if she could venture in the canoe with her. Leia nodded her head and stopped rowing momentarily for Kira to sit and take her place. Once Kira was well situated, Leia went back to rowing towards the camp. [color=808080][b]"So, why do you think we were called for an emergency meeting?"[/b][/color] She asked Kira but knew that she probably didn't have any answer for her. Leia was quite curious as they neared towards the White Lotus camp. The ride was smooth sailing and she actually enjoyed having a companion join her side. Once they made it to the camp, she got out of the canoe and even waited until Kira got out before pulling her canoe onto the small shoreline. She turned heel and faced the White Lotus camp with a smile, remembering the first time she ever stepped foot here. It was awhile ago but she remembers it as if it yesterday. She was excited and nausea at the same exact time but now, she was comfortable and ready. Leia walked up to the door and knocked three times before someone opened the door and acknowledge her and Kira. [b]"Ah, Leia."[/b] The Elder bender hugged her then looked towards Kira. [b]"Hello there, Kira."[/b] The Elder bender would hug Kira as well then invite them inside. All of the Elder benders were sitting around and awaiting the others. Leia sat down upon a nearby pillow and eyed everyone. [color=808080][b]"So, what's going on now?"[/b][/color] She'd politely ask as one of the male benders spoke. [b]"Patience, young one."[/b] Leia lowered her head with a nod then her ears twitched as soon was present at the door again. Leia was really anxious to know what was going on as she couldn't wait any longer for the other benders to get there.