Alex glanced back to see Alora taking care of two other fiends before catching up and asking if the taller red head was alright. Grumbling, Alex dug her own fingers against her skull, threading through the Crimson hair while her thumbs pressing against her temples, as if it was a attempt to contain something from bursting out from her head. Sure felt like it as the pounding grew harder and louder. [color=red]"I'm fine."[/color] Alex answered, glaring toward the mysterious woman before shutting her right eye in a wince. As the others seemed to catch up, Alex listened to the loud voice of Naisha. Alex knew the black Mage was just worried, but bloody hell she was loud for a frail body girl. It was doubtful one could tell by just listening to her. [color=red]"I'm fine. Just... The usual Temple Headache. Don't worry."[/color] Alex answered, not wanting her friends to worry. Though it was usual Alex to say that and not be fine. She never asked for help even as a kid. Be it catching a cold, getting into too big of a fight, or every time she got these headaches, she truthfully believed she'd be able to power through her own issues. Yet she had no idea what issues helping others, like when Tidus wanted a errand or Naisha wanted to go somewhere. It was just normal. Course, this headache was a little odd. Voices. The hum was still there but she swore she could hear voices, whispering ever so quietly in her mind. It caused her head to hurt more. Trying to decipher what they were saying was just causing the pain to worsen. As focused enough to notice Alora pull her authority card, the mysterious woman simply froze the smaller red head's hand to the hilt of the katana. At the explanation, or what little there was, Alex ground her teeth together in irritation. Have little to no patience for this bullshit at the moment. [color=red]"What the #%#% kind of friend do you have down here?! I'm sure as shit haven't seen you here on this island in my life and the only things in here are fiends! And if you think we're the ones going to be hurt in a tussle with you, well I sure as %#%# would like to see you try! Bring it one icy %#%#%#!"[/color] Alex snarled toward the mysterious woman, ripping her hands away from grasping her head in order to hold up her fists, as if ready to launch a assault. Though perhaps she was at a area disadvantage, she sure as hell wasn't about to take some bullshit like this. Though first, Alex turned toward Alora and grabbed the ice, crushing the frozen water between her fists and freeing Alora.