Each member of the group, growing ever larger, awoke. Each one predictably freaked out as they found themselves locked in a cage. Each one, felt some relief as they would see other members of their party in the same room. Only they where in separate cages. These cages did not have a lot of room in them. To the far left wall everyones things could be seen. Piled up against a wall. The short peace would not last though.... Vivian woke up next. She felt a massive headache as the world began to spin. She woke up from a horrid nightmare and found herself in a nightmare that was all to real. She thought her kin might have had something to do with it. Until she heard Ellyn explain things. The room began to erupt with life as each one began yelling out. She looked to see Varis looking around worried. It was strange because he was looking for them. She smile half heartedly. She then noticed all of her things were missing. Everything... Her swords, her crossbows, everything. She sighed. "I think we are all accounted for.... Now how do we get out of here." She said. Garekk woke next he felt himself alone in a cold cage. He was stripped of his weapons and armor revealing his muscular features. Some of it scarred from the casual life of an orc. He grunted rather angrily. He then recalled he was holding onto Vivian. When he found her. She was placed in a cage on the opposite side of the room. He wasn't too relieved because he failed. He tried to protect her from that thing ,but he had failed. He wanted to tear these bars apart but he knew it would be pointless. Ellis was stuck in a smaller cage. He grunted as he woke and looked about. "Well shit,... This sucks." He said. He then saw that it was locked and decided to check his pockets and hidden compartments. Empty, all of it was taken. Damn it... "If i only had my lockpicks I could get out of here..." Then it appeared... A large zombified Gnoll. Hugh could recognise it from the tears in its jaws. This was the one he shoved a bed roll down. It carried jiggling keys and it looked at the occupants and cages. It's eyes had no life in them and glowed a green light. It then saw its target and moved towards the cage. The cage was Sana's,... It unlocked the cage and without emotion or hesitation it reached in and grabbed the first thing its cold hands could grab a hold of. It was her hair. It pulled and drug her out if the cage and across the floor. It dragged her into the room it came out of closing the door. Vivian went wide eyed and gasped. "Well shit.. That just happened."