The bandit sighed, and answered as he took out his dagger "Ah...such a pity," He then whistled and Vivian looked to see that she and Ash are both surrounded by bandits dressed like the bandit who spoke to Ash, all are armed and ready to attack. Vivian tensed and fished her pepper spray out of her backpack, and raised her arms ready to fight if any of the bandits came after her. The main bandit finished "I'm afraid your tax has increased. Attack!" The bandits all shouted and rushed towards the both of them. Half of the bandits ran for Ashton and attempted to attack him, while the other half surrounded Vivian. The bandits surrounding Ashton stood around him in a circle at first before the leading bandit that spoke to Ashton before called out "Okay, men! Together now!" They all then bum rushed at Ashton, every single one of them charging towards Ashton and ready to swing their daggers at him. Vivian glared at the bandits as they chuckled at how she seemed so ready to fight them off, even though they had daggers, and she didn't seem to have a weapon at all. One bandit joked as he slowly approached her, "Now, now, Missy. Come with us quietly, and we won't hurt you. We can show you a better time than that stuck up guy you're with. He probably doesn't know how to show you a good time," The other bandits laughed, but stopped when Vivian raised the pepper spray to eye level, and she growled "I'm warning you...back off!" The joking bandit laughed at her threat and her choice of weapon, and continued approaching her. He reached out to grab her wrist and he cooed "Oh, now don't be like that-" Vivian's glare hardened and she sprayed the pepper spray. After she had done so, the bandit screamed loudly as he fell down and had his hands over his eyes, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! OH MY GODS! OH MY GODS! MY EYES!!!" The bandits looked to Vivian hesitantly, clearly questioning whether they should attack her or not.