[quote=@Hawlin] ... How do our characters [i]"have"[/i] the gear we start with? Not [b]get[/b], [i]have[/i]. I'm just going to 'out with it'. I wanted to make a runaway duke of sorts who [i](I don't know enough about the plot or how to combat amnesia through pre-character building)[/i] came to the land with relatively standard gear for all practical purposes. I just wanted to play Dad-guy. :T The habit for caring for his people when he was driven from his land turning into fatherly instinct. [/quote] Er, your character doesn't "have" any gear. They get their gear from the Church they start out in. The only thing they should "have" is the clothes they have on their backs before they were sucked into the World of Wasted Dreams. Unless I've just misread this entire conversation? In which case, what exactly do you mean?