Roarz looked up towards the sun, sitting there, seemingly floating in the sky, was two health bars. Between them sat a timer that was counting down from 60. It was a duel. A duel between two players in the middle of town, something Roarz didn't see very often. In fact, Roarz started questioning his own PvP experience as he watched the two forces collide on the street, He couldn't remember the last time he dueled someone, organized or not. Roarz started to drift off during the fight, thinking about how he would go about fighting another player. Maybe he'd go on the defense and learn his opponents moves, or maybe go on the offense and throw everything he has at the opponent and make him feel the pressure. He made a mental note to practice with his friend later in hopes to be ready for an ambush outside of the safe zone's walls. He glanced at the health bars once again, judging from their status, they were equally matched. Both their Hp's were barely skimming the half way mark, neither being able to land more than 1 perfect hit. The timer felt like it has been going forever, but it was only at 35 seconds. At the rate they were going, they'll both be standing by the time it reaches 0. Roarz had been cheering the one duelist the entire time, hoping he'd pull something from his sleeve. There was no reputation or item on the line, but the tension that was building in the crowed made the fight more enjoyable and entertaining. Roarz swiped the air and opened his menu, he looked at the time. In the real world, school would have just ended. Roarz was supposed to be in school, but he made the point to his parents that it was the last day and teachers don't teach on the last day, they just waste time with movies and conversations. His mother, being a nice and reasonable person, gave him the day off. Roarz thought about logging off for a few minutes and grabbing a bite to eat, but he didn't want to miss the fight. So he stood and waited. In the real world, he was Roary Smith. A 16 year old boy who got away with much more than he should. But in Infinite Story, He was Roarz, a level 8 adventurer who takes the world by storm. The two players moved quickly, all around the street, clanging steel together and exchanging blows. The fighting moved closer and closer to Roarz until eventually, Roarz had to break his train of thought in order to move out of the way. The duel ended Abruptly and the two players regained their lost health. Roarz was baffled and confused, he didn't see it end and he didn't know what happened. Heck, he didn't even know who won. "Damn, I didn't even pay attention!" He looked over to the duelist he'd been rooting for and waved his hand, "Good job! Gave that noob a thrashing." He said, trying to sound ambiguous.