Jareth reached his arm around her, trying to comfort her. Lila rested her head into his shoulder, now crying silently, salty tears like dew rolling down her pink cheeks. "No." Lila heard Jareth croak out a while after she'd declared herself worthless, putting and end on the painful silence. Jareth used his right hand to guide her face to look at him, then he softly held her face with both hands. making eye contact unavoidable. He wanted it that way, so the conviction would ring loud and clear when he said "You are not worthless." Lila's eyes filled with tears again. "But I couldn't make you happy. I couldn't even keep our baby safe. Lila lied her head on Jareth's lap until there were no more tears left in her. After what seemed like hours, she wiped her tears with the back of her hand and sniffed, finally gaining control over herself. She was quiet for a few minutes, thinking about what she could do to ease the pain. Her wandering eyes fell onto the prescription bottle, then turned to Jar. "Let's just get high and wasted and make lots of love, baby. I want us forget to all the pain we've been through." It was a fucked-up idea, but she'd do anything to stop their torture. Her sudden desire to try drugs was proof of how emotionally distressed she was. Delilah had been raised as a goody two shoes by her well-to-do family; her parents were on a somewhat prominent position in their town, and so they were constantly worried about appearances, portraying their family as the example of perfection, and expecting and demanding that their only daughter be on par with that image. So, imagine their surprise when their daughter brought home a 'satanist, druggie, overly-tattooed, washed-up loser that seems like a real bum' (her parent's words) for Christmas. Her mother had nearly fainted, her father had treated them coolly all throughout their stay, and they'd warned Delilah that she'd lose their financial support if she remained with Jareth. In her first act of defiance, Lila had stayed with Jar, making her relationship with her parents strained and risking losing everything except him. And for what? To have been dumped on Valentine's Day Eve. Her parents had nearly cried with joy at the news. Lila had remained a faithful believer that drugs were 'bad and harmful and something she'd never try in her life'; even when she'd gotten to know her beloved Jar's dirty little secret, and even when she'd had the substances at arm's reached, she'd remained firm on her word. Hell, she'd even tried to get Jar into rehab. His use had also been a cause of their many arguments near the end, given the fact that Lila had found out by accident instead of her then boyfriend having told her. Another reason to stay away, but she simply couldn't bear to part with her bittersweet love. Lila got up from Jareth's lap, grabbed the Xanax bottle, opened it and shook two pills onto her open palm. She offered them to Jareth, locking her eyes onto his, full of determination. "Here you go, JarBear. You give me mine and I give you yours. I promise it won't hurt us. We're both too screwed up anyway."