[centre][color=black][b]Vowzra, Level 5 God of Time 0 Might 3 Free Points[/b][/color][/centre] Vowzra suddenly felt the strangest emotion overcoming his senses and he reverted back to his previous wooden form. Zerabil in the orb disappeared - surely returned to his people who must be fearful at his disappearance. He had always known that between himself and his siblings would be an insurmountable veil, a gap. Even Escre who was much like him was across the veil, and Vowzra knew he had an insurmountable veil of his own between hims and the others. Vowzra had never intended to walk this timeline, but it had appeared to him suddenly in that moment. They timeline he had thought they were treading was not it. They had strayed and he had helped in causing their straying. But it was all as Fate willed it, even if within him he disliked it all. So Fate willed, so it was. What was he? Looking around himself sadly, he reached into the spaces before him and tore open a door. [color=black][b]'I shall go now...'[/b][/color] he murmured, more to himself than anyone else. With that, he disappeared into the fabric of existence and the tear closed behind him. Was this how it would turn out? All his hard work to steer the world away from catastrophe suddenly disappears before his eyes like the mirage it always was. The pains he went to in order to maintain a semblance of balance, teaching his creations, protecting them with Orabil and restoring it when it had been defiled. Was this it? His work was of no significance? Fate would do as it willed whether he chose one timeline or another. If that was the case, then so be it. The god of Time, who had always been somewhat disdainful but never cold or unkind, never needlessly cruel, wished that he had been. He knew, however, that he could not. In that moment, however, he decided that his disdain would grow ever greater. He would respond to none, he would shower his mercy on nobody, he would withdraw his blessings and ignore this world. What did he need with it? What did he want with his siblings? It was better this way. Soon enough, the capabilities of the restored Orabil would become clear: though it had at first shone greatly, its light soon faded, leaving the tree surrounded in the twilight of Escre's creation. Zerabil would feel himself weaken and his powers wane, and his great knowledge would fail him and disappear. Vowzra's wrath had not descended, but his mercy had most certainly been lifted.