Jareth watched as sadness pooled tears in her eyes once more[i] “But I couldn’t make you happy. I couldn’t even keep our baby safe.”[/i] she choked out in a cry. He wanted to tell her that their child was safer with the gods than it ever would have been with him as a father, but he feared the effect his words would have. He instead tackled the first part, “Delilah, you made me feel more emotions than I ever have before, and happy was one of them,” so was anger “don’t ever think you didn’t make me happy.” His words did little to soothe her distress. [i]”Let’s just get high and wasted and make lots of love, baby..”[/i] She began, a tempting notion, at least the last part was. When Lila had found out about his drug use, he honestly didn’t think he would survive her rage. But after she knew, and things had calmed down, he had tried to convince her to try getting high with him. Now that the opportunity was presenting itself , it disturbed him. This wasn’t the proper time or place; As if there was a proper time? No, it’s just that getting high when you’re so low is never a good idea, he was one to know, from experience. A LOT of experience. He looked down at her perfect doll-like features as she laid her head in his lap. He flirted with the idea of flirting. Flirting with danger. The danger of flirting… His head swam with conflicting emotions. He had the power to end their heartbreak. He only had to say a few words, and it would fix everything. No it wouldn’t. What an idiot. You can fit two mismatched puzzle pieces together, no matter how hard you punch them into the table; And they had certainly thrown a lot of punches in their relationship. Not literally, but, you know… It was like an angel and a devil were sitting on either of his shoulders, tempting him with opposing views. One told him to lean down and kiss her, to take her in his arms and claim her as his own once more. The other told him to run, run far, look at the bullet you dodged! Quit staring into the barrel of the gun, you fool! And all they did was talktalktalk… he couldn’t even tell which was supposed to be good and which was bad. [i]Some angels fall, and some demons used to be angels.[/i] Which was he? He didn’t know, but one voice soared above the other, taking hold of his subconscious. He found himself leaning down towards her, not away, but her eyes weren’t on his anymore. She looked to the bottle of pills and jumped up from his lap. [i]”Probably for the better!”[/i] said the angel. Devil? Despite the sadness and intensity of the scenario, he couldn’t help but smile. “Do you even know what that is? I need that, so it doesn’t get me high, and if you took it you’d probably just fall asleep. The good stuff is in my…” it didn’t matter, he stopped there and rubbed his face with a flustered sound. “Oh Delilah, you’re right there. We are screwed up, which means we need to stop acting the way we always do.” We, the word tasted bittersweet on his tongue. “What I mean is, we need some time to think before we make a huge mistake here. Can we do that, for each other? More importantly, for ourselves?” He paused and gave it some thought “Listen, I heard that there is a party tomorrow night, it sounds like a lot of people are going to be there. I’m thinking they’re going to need a DJ, or a musician, so I’ll be there. But, I just need a day to process everything, and we can talk then. Okay?” Maybe his friends could convince him not to be a fool in 24 hours, he hoped they could. He hope they couldn’t. He didn’t really feel hope anymore. Jareth stood up and took the pills from her, letting his fingers linger on hers a bit longer than he should have. “Come on, I’ll walk you back.” Much to his surprise, back happened to be right across the hall from him. Well, that’s awkward.