She hadn't moved on? Grant decided not to mention the guy he'd seen her flirting with, but that thought flew out of his head as soon as she continued speaking. Grant wasn't sure he was still breathing. Addie had tried to commit suicide because of him? Shit, shit, shit. Thank god she was still alive, he couldn't imagine what he would have done if she'd succeeded. Inhibitions gone, he leaned in closer and took her hands, looking in her eyes. "Addie..." He couldn't find the words he wanted to say. [i]You're beautiful. You're perfect. You're too good for me. Please don't ever try that again, I'd be lost without you.[/i] He returned her smile, and instead said, "Was the curse part my cooking? Because I swear I've gotten better. I don't burn pasta anymore." He chuckled a bit, remembering the time he'd suggested they learn to cook. Adelisa had been okay, but he'd nearly burned the kitchen down. "Anyway, I just hope we'll get through this. There's a beach party tomorrow night. You'll be there, right?