There was something rather creepy about that old professor, Lora decided. Maybe it was how [i]eager[/i] Lorenzo seemed, or his near-childish giggling at the prospects of what these new cadets were going to do. Executive Officer or not, the least he could do is act a bit more serious and professional in front of the new blood. The lot of them were literally child soldiers expected and trained to control experimental machine frames with which the entirely of the human race was depending on. "Service with a Smile," one could say, but there was also, "Too Much of a Good Thing." As the superior officers departed, Lora looked around the other pilots. Seemed to be a population of boys over ladies, but in this day and age that was hardly something of merit at all. What they all held in common was talent; not a lot of trainees ever got this far, much less maturing teenagers. The other factor was whether or not they were here of their own accord, for it has been proven that working towards something is easier and better when you want it. And by far, the common want in the present time was to get rid of the Cruxi. A couple of people spoke up, started giving names as they were suggested. [color=lightblue]"Well, while we're doing it now..."[/color] Lora half-mumbled, turning to face the whole of the group. [color=lightblue]"My name's Lora, pilot for the Caliburn. I trust we're all great pilots to get this far, so congratulations for that,"[/color] she announced, almost sounding half-hearted given how level she kept her voice. The others continued, listing off names and their own plucky comments. One of the other ladies, Krista, started to rattle off what she thought of the upcoming operation, and gave an idea of an event that the group could bring to unfold. [color=lightblue]"Call me the cynical one, but I think you're missing the point a bit,"[/color] Lora commented on Krista's suggestion. [color=lightblue]"You have to think of this whole thing, not just the combat, like a mission in which the aim is to declare one of us the team leader. It's not just about seeing who can give orders well; this is determining who has the composition to best manage, support, and figurehead a close group of allies."[/color] She paused for a moment, then added, [color=lightblue]"Think of it like your Synchro Rate. The more stable and composed you are, the more in-tune and in control you prove to be."[/color] [color=lightblue]"In fact..."[/color] Lora paused for a moment, pursing her lips as if questioning what she was about to say. [color=lightblue]"If I had to guess, I would say this mock battle is just a field test of our Synchro Rates in combat."[/color] It was a bated thought, more simply spoken out loud rather than announcing to someone. It was little else than a provoking thought, and maybe it was wrong.