Miles acknowledged the commanding officer Ritsu, she seemed like a capable commander and was obviously a skilled framewerk pilot, otherwise she wouldnt be at the level of command she is at currently. He wouldnt have problems following her directions, sadly the rest of the 'cadets' were a different matter. SLightly distracted by the ramblings of the old, and fairly annoying professer Lorenzo he fixed his gazed on a small scared boy with blonde hair, he saw his name in the personel report [b]Romeo Ramirez[/b]. If Miles wasn't such a stoic grouch he could have easily burst out laughing, this child looked ridiculous. Scared out of his mind wearing a flower kimono, it didnt take him long to realise this boy was the pilot of the equally flowery Rose mecha. Miles suddenly became angry, he didn't want to be slowed down in battle by such a silly machine. He flashed the boy a look of scorn but said nothing. Miles also noticed a rotund girl who introduced herself as [b]Krista[/b], she seemed straightforward enough, maybe a little to 'peppy' for Miles' tastes but that wouldn't matter too much in combat, he was curious about the combat capabilities of her framewerk, the fact that it walked on all fours caught his attention. There were two other girls, [b]Lora and Elora[/b], the similarity in names was a minor annoyance. Lora spoke with a calm confidence and Miles instincts told him she could handle herself well in combat, he looked forward to facing her. Elora kept quiet, Miles barely saw her as she was tucked away in the back of the space not making herself too known to the rest of the group, and Miles was far more interested in Lora's capabilities in her very impressive Caliburn Framewerk. He noticed a few of the pilots beginning to introduce themseleves and speak about the possible team leader, he didnt bother introducing himself. [color=39b54a][i]Our success in this campaign will be won or lost based on our ability to stay out of each others way. Who ever becomes the leader needs to realise we are all very different pilots with vastly different experience and training. We cant be expected to clumisly come together as a unit and start tripping over each other. [/i][/color] Miles cleared his throat. [color=39b54a][i]Ive seen most of your Framewerks, they have potential, but I'm not willing to bet my life on any of you being able to cover me in battle, if youre smart, youll realize that too for all of us, Including me. The Cruxi wont hold back based on how friendly we are.[/i][/color] Miles sat down and looked at some of the personel files on his pocket device, trying to put names to all the faces in the room.