[@Aisling] Name: Skotadi Lark Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/14/f4/96/14f496d6799e54546effb3e8e076b828.jpg[/img] Age: 16 Room: 14 Race: Demon Draconic Student Rank of the basic four: 1) Fire 2) Air 3) Water 4) Earth Magic Infinity: Emotional Unique Traits: A birthmark in the shape of a flame on my right wrist Likes: Intelligence, learning, books and fire Dislikes: Stupidity, popcorn and immaturity Personality: Skotadi can be picky, aggravating and aggresive but is actually really nice and kind when you take the chance to get to know her. History: Skotadi has lived with her father, Pluto Lark, for her entire life. One day she was attacked by a group of strange beings in her home planet of Neptune but luckily her and her father managed to fight them off and get back to their house. There her father told her what she was and told her to go to a huge oak tree that has a house resting in it ad stay there, this happened just before the beings came back and attacked again, this time killing Pluto. Skotadi barely escaped with her life and made it to the tree house but she knew that she wasn't safe there for long. Dragon Type Desired: Riding Fire Dragon Other: Skotadi is a pyromaniac Follow the rainbow