Tagged: [@WeepingLiberty] Jolyne grinned as she believed her punch went through, the force causing the woman to back off somewhat. Her smile faded when she realised what had actually happened. That punch should have at least bloodied her nose, if not cleanly knocking her out, but it appeared that Jolyne's punch had barely even effected her. The woman burst out laughing again, infuriating Jolyne further, prompting her to slowly grind her teeth. The woman breathed in composedly, before grinning like a Cheshire Cat, revealing a pair of unnaturally long, white incisors that almost seemed to scintillate in the moonlight. Jolyne's eye widened in horror as she finally realised what the stranger was, even more so when she disappeared from her line of sight. She then detected a gentle pressure on her back, the woman reappearing with her back pushed against Jolyne's. [color=f49ac2]"Despite your lack of manners, I'm feeling rather generous today. You can have a ten second head start, do with it as you will."[/color] She stated nonchalantly as she began counting down. Regardless of the stranger's apparent fictitious status, did she really expect Jolyne Thawne to run? That made her laugh somewhat, albeit tremendously apprehensively. Never since the incident in which she lost her left eye had she ran from someone, that individual traumatic moment in her childhood put an end to that. Since she obviously wasn't going to run, her only other opinion was to strike her again. Having already went for the face, this time Jolyne aimed her second punch directly into the woman's stomach, desperately hoping that her punch would wind her enough.