[center][img]http://modeoflife.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/flag-of-the-monarchy00.png[/img][/center] [center][h2]The Hellenic Kingdom[/h2][/center] [b]Greek Government H.Q., Athens[/b] Nikolaos Michaloliakos, Arkhigos of the Hellenes and right hand of King Pavlos, sat at his desk with two of his foreign advisers. His hands were tightly clasped, and his face tense. "Any word from the Mexicans, and the other Catholics and Protestants?" Michaloliakos pressed. "It seems they chose the Pacific route to transport their force. Goodness knows why, when we had offered them a base and supplies. Now they are overextended and will struggle to supply their force - not to mention the long, difficult struggle they will face fighting through Mesopotamia, even if they are not immediately repulsed." "We must contact the Mexicans, and ask that they reconsider. We cannot join their war if they carry out their attack in a way that is likely to fail." [hider=To the Mexican Empire] [i]Greetings to our esteemed colleagues in the great nation of Mexico, We have received troubling reports concerning the execution of your righteous campaign against the Caliphate. This message was authorised by Arkhigos Nikolaos Michaloliakos, right hand of King Pavlos I of the Hellenes. We question your decision to approach the enemy from an eastward direction. Your offer of a joint attack directly on Anatolia and the Levant led us to believe that your force would cross the Atlantic and pass into the Mediterranean, where we would be happy to base and supply your force. From Cyprus, for example, as a springboard, you could strike directly at the heart of the Caliphate and liberate both Jerusalem and Constantinople, with our direct assistance. We urge you to turn your and your allies' forces back and through the Panama Canal, to follow our suggested strategy. If you have some plan you believe will make your current operation a greater success, we would be pleased to have you share it with us. Greece cannot currently risk war with the Caliph unless Mexico directly assists us, or if both Russia and Ethiopia agree to war. We are too weak at present. May God guide you on the right path, The Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs[/i] [/hider] "We must also contact the Russians and Ethiopians, and discourage them from agreeing to a pact of non aggression with the Caliphate." [hider=To Greater Russia and the Second Ethiopian Empire] [i]Greetings to our brothers and sisters in Orthodoxy, We believe that the Orthodox Church requires a new Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, as the previous holder of the title was cruelly murdered by the Caliph's forces. For the first time ever, we have made the decision to include non-Hellenes in the election process, which will be reformed as the Holy Synod, alas, met the same fate as the Ecumenical Patriarch. We instead propose that candidates must be the Archbishop or (lesser) Patriarch of their respective nation (of which, as you undoubtedly know, there is only one of which in each Orthodox country/region). These representatives may put themselves forward as candidates, and should be voted on by a new Greater Synod in Athens. We hope you are in one mind with us about these matters, Directly from Arkhigos Nikolaos Michaloliakos of the Hellenes. [/i] [/hider]