Frey did not need the encouragement from Nihonto to push herself, she had always wanted to be the strongest she could be or die trying and in her belief, you did not gain anything without risk. She beamed under her helmet at his comment still though and states, "Oh, I mean not to let you down in that regard, Nih it was." She frowned slightly at this comment and flopped her head to the side as she pondered, "It is odd, I don't call many by a name like that. Speaking of," She turns to the other and puts her paw out, "Nice to meet you Thorvald." She left him to shake it or no before looking back to Nihonto. "Supplies? I have not had too many ever in my life and I do not need much beyond that which is to care for my equipment, especially this." She draws the blade out of the hilt of her lance after clicking a mechanism that held it in place, "The blade is important, I suppose one of the only things I consider mine. I do like a good biscut filled with berry paste though, perhaps we can bring along some of those as snacks to eat. And I can strum a tune fairly well. so perhaps some string instrument?" She looks to Thorvald again, wondering why he seemed not to speak that much. She tapped his shoulder before adding, "You'll have to give me the story of your master sometime. I'd like to hear both perspectives before deciding Nihonto is correct. His stories are sometimes a bit 'exaggerated' by what I hear." She did not mind in the slightest that Nihonto was standing right there, surely he had heard rumors of himself already anyways. It's not like one would believe all his stories anyways with all the gallivanting about he was known for. Perhaps in time she would come to change her mind on that during this trip, after all she had heard all that from sources that were not the Typhlosion Knight himself.