[centre] [@NarcissisticPotato]'s Active Characters [hider=Emily] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34900000/HAHA-Shiina-sakurasou-no-pet-na-kanojo-34942000-500-281.gif[/img] [h3]"Memories are dangerous things. You turn them over and over, until you know every touch and corner, but still you'll find an edge to cut you."[/h3] [b]Real Name:[/b] Emily [b]Superhero Alias:[/b] None [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 16 [hider=Appearance] [img]https://yamaguchihoshiko.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/screen-shot-2013-05-31-at-6-06-36-pm.png?w=640&h=356[/img] Standing at around 5'4, the blonde can be a confusing sight to some due to her blood red eyes that burn like the dying embers of a fire. Either that or it's the way she looks at people with said eyes. She has a lithe frame and is about as light as a particularly lofty feather. In terms of clothing, Emily has a more... natural aspect of things. Social rules are viewed as aliens in her mind leading Emily to take very little notice when she's, say, going outside of her dorm room with nothing but a pair of socks on. She doesn't particularly understand why people find it so uncomfortable but she's doing research into the field. [/hider] [hr] [b]Power Set:[/b] [u]Pamnesia:[/u] Emily remembers everything. She could tell you the obscured conversations of her mother while she was in the womb. She could perfectly describe to you how it felt taking that first gulp of air which kicked her lungs into action. She could tell you the precise date she took her first step and spoke her first word. Every single touch, taste, smell or sight that Emily has ever experienced can be called upon at any moment. Every substance she's ever touched could be described accurately, every meal she's ever eaten can be recalled, every smell aired through her consciousness and every last sight splayed out before her like her life has been acutely splattered into a picture book. More importantly, Emily is physically incapable of forgetting a thought. The science behind it is rather complicated but studies have shown that her brain will simply compress neural synapses to contain it all, allowing her to absorb nearly endless amounts of information without fearing the loss of running out of space. For all intents and purposes, Emily is the personification of human perfection with the ability to experience and adapt at a speed never seen before. Except she is in no way perfect by human standards. Her ability to progress vast swathes of information is overshadowed by the fact that most emotions or traits that can characteristically be defined as "human" have been eviscerated from her mind; almost as if their very presence is an inefficiency, leading to the failure to reach perfection. Emily only experiences emotions necessary for her continued survival and learning - namely, fear and curiosity. [u]Memory Leeching:[/u] Upon physical contact, Emily is capable of dragging the memories of others into her own head. With little to no concentration, it'll only call up rather mundane memories that don't seem to have any significance but as she increases her effort and her powers better themselves, her ability to steal the memories of others will only bolster. Currently, she's capable of accessing and reading deep memories such as first kisses, past romances or family figures but she's still incapable of getting access to deeper memories such as tragedies, regrets and general important moments in someone's life. [u]Memory Manipulation:[/u] This power is one of the main reasons why the authorities are worried about her and the potential destruction she can sow when older. Upon access of memories, Emily can alter them depending on the mental strength of her target. Superhumans, who typically have increased mental resistances, are harder to mess with and at her current power level, she can only change the simple or mundane things in their minds. The threat of this power lies in baseline humans and their relatively low mental resistances. Given a normal human, Emily could change their whole life in an hour or two. She could make them forget loved ones or change their perceptions on the world but the most dangerous aspect lies in her ability to wipe memories clean. On more than one occasion, Emily has lashed out, reducing her victim to mental infancy in an extreme spike of power. Her abilities cut so deep that even muscle memory can be caught up in the flood and wiped clean, literally leaving her targets incapable of controlling their own bodies before they learn to use it again. The fear is that as her powers grow paired with her lack of morals, Emily will be able to strike much faster and in much larger quantities. Her potential to steal state secrets is one that's also been noted. It's down to this ability that Emily was even sent to Herculean Academy - it's believed that if she's surrounded by teenagers like her then a gentle idea of morality could possibly form in her mind. Of course, she'll never exactly be a functioning member of society but if she was able to tell right from wrong, it would be considerably easier to regulate her abilities. [b]Other Skills:[/b] [list] [*] A genius in some regards and an absolute idiot in others. Emily could probably butt minds with some of the smartest people in the world and if she wanted to, she could make a massive difference in the world of science. However, [i]anything[/i] that could be described as common sense evades her completely. It's so bad that it's basically impossible for her to function independently as basic principles of living are lost on her. For example, although told many times, Emily still hasn't copped on that taking the hairdryer into the bath isn't a good idea. [*] Fluent in several different languages. Could learn most human dialects in a few years but she doesn't. Laziness suspected. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] The better question is what is Emily not weak to? The answer to that would be emotional or mental attacks. Apart from those two, Emily is one of the few "superheroes" to be completely and utterly useless in combat. And even if she was, say, in the heat of combat, chances are she would just stand about and do nothing simply due to the fact that she doesn't understand what it is to dislike someone enough to harm them. Plus exercise is a weird concept to her making her about as dangerous as a particularly perplexed sheep. Her abilities to read other superhumans' memories and potentially alter them is quite variable depending on the strength of her target's mind. For example, a strong-minded person could subconsciously prevent her from accessing deeper memories while a weak-minded person would be relatively simple to read and influence. [b]Personality:[/b] Conversely, what personalises Emily is her very lack of a personality. The young girl seems to operate on survival and learning with very little else in between. Even if she was capable of holding emotions that could bring her into the more human spectrum of things, she would still be incapable of expressing them. Although she is able to hold other emotions that wander away from her norm, she can very rarely output them and even just holding them is enough to cause her pain or to retreat in on herself. The primary factor for this is that Emily simply doesn't understand any feelings that do arise and thus she chooses to austerize them from her own mind, fearing what she doesn't understand. On the outside, Emily seems to be a quiet idiot (or eccentric). She doesn't say a lot and regularly has some sort of book in her hands but that doesn't mean she's an introvert. As already mentioned, emotions such as embarrassment don't seem to affect her and it takes a lot to actually scare her so there is not a lot that she won't do. Mix that with her lack of care for social rules and you have a rather dangerous concoction. Nudity doesn't bother her, nor does inappropriate or unwelcome romantic gestures and questions that really shouldn't be asked by a sixteen year old girl. The main description of Emily would be her curiosity - everything from the simple to the complicated intrigues her and she values them just as equally; whether it be the proton decay or her roommate's secret stash of rowdy underwear. [b]Backstory:[/b] Not a lot is known about Emily. Although she knows everything that has happened to her, she's always refused to tell anyone about it leading to others filling in the gaps. It's believed that she was born to a single mother and although there are no documents to prove her country of birth, it's thought that she was born in one of the Scandinavian countries. The name Emily was the only part she ever revealed from her early childhood as it was the name her mother gave to her. The family that adopted Emily were two German doctors. They noticed something different about her almost immediately. Although she distanced herself from other children and displayed classic symptoms of normal mental illnesses, they were convinced that there was something more than that. It was only after she revealed information from their childhoods (information she didn't have any prior knowledge of) that they finally picked up on the beginnings of her powers. Nevertheless, they hid it awfully well and diagnosed her with mental disorders so as to cover up her abilities. Even from a young age, it was clear that Emily was miles away from normal. She was a genius in most regards and could ponder things other eight year olds couldn't even imagine. Her powers were relatively easy to hide but they reared their ugly heads when their home was raided by the police after she hacked into Interpol's network. It took her parents some time to convince them that it was a ten year old who hacked the well-guarded system but her skills had already attracted the attention of those who were higher up. She was taken in for questioning on her abilities and seeing no need to lie, Emily told them everything. Instantly, she was deemed a risk to public health and, under a nice smokescreen, she was removed from the two who had adopted her. Emily was brought to a research facility located in Eastern Europe. Although the project was in no way barbaric, its only intentions was to test the capabilities of its subjects and if they would have a use in military ventures. Emily was regularly used as a poster child for the rich benefactors of the project as she showed a simple uncaring nature towards the experiments and the tests. Plus she was believed to have had the most potential in terms of intelligence-gathering. A lot of people were interested in her powers and how useful they could be to various organisations or institutions. Emily didn't particularly care about the whole thing - they let her learn in peace. Eventually, the project was exposed and publicly damned by governments who were previously funding them. Emily was extracted from the facility and returned to Germany where she had almost constant contact with her two German parents but was also subject to so-called counselling to overcome any burdens from the project. It was there that they picked up on Emily's lack of care for anything, really, and it was there that they realised that she was actually a major threat now that she had figured out her abilities. Hoping some form of contact with other superhumans would help her case, it was requested that Emily be sent to Herculean Academy and only a few weeks later, a formal invitation was extended to her family. [b]Other:[/b] [list] [*] Has a strange fascination with erotic literature. [*] Has briefly pondered if she is, in fact, God. [/list] [/hider] [/centre]