[center][b]Status:[/b] [color=6ecff6]Currently filled up, though that's subject to change[/color][/center] [b]Helloooo[/b] everyone. I am XSilentWingsX, you may call me Sam if you like, though feel free to come up with some cute and/or badass nickname for me. Lately I’ve been craving some 1x1 RPs, so I thought I’d go ahead and see if anyone was interested in partnering with me. A little bit about me: To be honest, I am still relatively new to roleplaying, at least compared to a lot of the people I come into contact with on this site. This is my first ever interest check (exciting, right?), so there are definite chances that I’ve somehow made some grievous error. I love writing and creating characters however, and I’d really like to become a bit more comfortable with the whole RP process. I’d like to have a partner who is willing to help me on this little journey and create an awesome story alongside me. I am over eighteen, and I would prefer to have partners who are also at least eighteen. I like to roleplay female characters, it’s just my preference, and you can play whatever gender you prefer as well. I write in the realm of the advanced, and I’d like someone who is high-casual to advanced, though preferably you’d be leaning more toward the advanced side of things. Also, let's keep everything in third person past tense please. I certainly wouldn’t say no to a writing sample (it can just be some post from another RP you’re in, etc.), and you can request one from me as well. Some writers just really don’t work well together. If you change your mind or realize that you’re just not into our RP anymore, or if real life gets in the way, speak up! We can make some changes or drop it entirely, no hard feelings. I won’t be offended and I’d hope that you won’t be either if I end up in a similar situation. Please don’t just drop off the face of the earth and never reply to my messages, though. When it comes to posting, I generally get a post up every other day (I would prefer that you generally post at least 2-3 times a week), but this could potentially slow down or speed up depending on how my other RPs are going. I do have a life outside of roleplaying (unfortunately) and sometimes I can’t reply as often. If I know I’m going to be unable to post anything for a week or so, I’ll tell you. Please do the same for me. I’m fine with RPing through threads, PMs, or email, just tell me what your preference is, and keep in mind the Guild’s rules when it comes to threads. [color=6ecff6][b]THINGS I LIKE[/b][/color] (they kind of build off of each other a bit): [list] [*]Romance! - Appreciated, but not required. I’ll admit, I’m a bit of a sucker for romantic stories, and most of the plots I come up with have the potential to be romantic. As I mentioned earlier, I like playing female characters, but I’m equally into both MxF and FxF romance. [*]Plot - Yes I like some romance, but it should not be the sole focus of our RP, just a part of the overall goodness. I’ve never had a great understanding of RP’s where there doesn’t seem to be any raison d’etre. Our characters should have purposes, goals, ambitions, and all that nice stuff. [*]Well-designed characters - Write a character with skills and flaws. Think about who they are and what they want out of life. Your character should have some kind of past, their own little quirks (maybe they hate cheese), and well, they should be like real people. Your character should not be all-knowing and perfect in every way, just as they should not be defined by only one trait. Likewise, it’s always nice to see some kind of character development as things progress. [*]Detail - Be descriptive! What is the setting like, what do things look like, smell like, sound like, etc. What is your character thinking? [i]Never[/i] apologize for a long post! If I get into an RP I can go on and on. [*]Contribution - Feel free (and encouraged) to add to the story and use your own ideas. In the past, I’ve felt a bit nervous about really adding to things, and that’s something I’m working on as well. The story should come from both of us, and if you want to make any really big changes that will have drastic effects, just run them by me. When it comes to worldbuilding, let’s do it together (I definitely need more practice with this, I always get caught up on the little things). [*]Literacy and grammar! - I prefer high literacy. I won’t try to murder you if you have some mistakes, but I do expect at least decent grammar and spelling. Hold me to the same standards. I try to read things over before I post, but if I make a mistake that’s just bugging you (I understand), just let me know. [*]OOC conversation - Let’s chat! We don’t have to talk nonstop about the RP, communication is always nice. Also, let’s both be nice and polite, okay? I am sometimes surprised by some rather abrupt, rude messages I receive, and it will just make us both uncomfortable with time.[/list] [color=6ecff6][b]SOME THINGS I DON'T LIKE SO MUCH:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Instant love - As mentioned earlier, I’d always like for there to be some romance between our characters, but it should progress over time. Our characters will not be immediate soul-mates, let the relationship build. Maybe they hate each other at first, who knows. [*]Heavy smut - I’m not interested in a roleplay that is focused solely on sex. If our characters get involved in this manner (and I’m warning you now that this won’t happen very quickly, see above) I don’t want to get to crazy with the more graphic stuff. It’s fine up to a point, but I may not be inclined to write it all out. If you want to fade to black, that’s perfectly fine. If you do want some smut, ask first please, but I might say no. [*]One liners - these are under no circumstances allowed. Ever. In some situations, posts are going to be shorter, but you should still try to get some substance in there, or I can promise you I will not feel inspired to write anything in return. Same goes for text speak: don’t do it. [*]Godmodding - You control your character, I’ll control mine. However, there may be some NPCs that we both need to use. In that case, let’s just briefly discuss what that character is like, so as to not write anything out-of-character for that NPC.[/list] [color=6ecff6][b]MISCELLANEOUS:[/b][/color] [list] [*]I’m fine with violence, gore, and swearing. If you’re not, let me know. [*]I’m not into any kind of abuse, and I’d prefer to keep any kinks out of this. [*]I’m not really one for doubling (I like to focus on one character), but we can both bring other side characters in of course as things go on, and they may become very important to the story.[/list] [color=6ecff6][b]PLOTS![/b][/color] These are the ideas I have currently in no particular order, if you notice some common themes or very similar ideas, it’s probably just something I’m craving at the moment. None of these are very fleshed out, that can be something we do together. They’re just jumping off points, and are not set in stone. Again, I prefer to create female characters, and any of these plots could be either MxF or FxF. [hider=The Thief and the Captain of the Guard] My character is a young thief living in the less desirable district of the country’s capital city. Your character is the captain of the city guard. There’s been a strange plague sweeping through the streets, particularly affecting the city’s slums. Our characters eventually become more and more involved with the situation, discovering the plague’s less than natural origins and deciding that they have to do something to save their city. [b]Status:[/b] [color=6ecff6]open[/color][/hider] [hider=The Mage and the Demon (2 Versions) - taken] My character is a young member of the Mage’s Guild, who has accidentally released a demon (your character), which is now bound to her. She can’t let it be known that she has done this, lest she be expelled from the guild, imprisoned (messing with demons is a bit of a crime), or even killed. She also has no idea how to undo this, and is forced to bring the demon with her disguised as a servant. She must now deal with her new companion while juggling her life at the guild and jobs it gives her. Alternatively, my character is a young mage in the guild who has summoned this demon(again, your character) quite purposely to give her more power. The guild in this world is a place of few morals, where power is what matters most, and having a demon under her control will help her move up as well as give her protection against enemies within the guild’s walls. Things do not go quite as she expected. [b]Status:[/b] [color=6ecff6]closed[/color][/hider] [hider=Nobles and Mercenaries] Your character is a noble in a bit of a dangerous situation. You’ve hired my character to protect you, but for some convoluted reason you’ve forced this mercenary to be in the disguise of a noble as well. While it does hide the mercenary’s real reason for constantly being around you, it presents a whole new set of problems. [b]Status:[/b] [color=6ecff6]open[/color][/hider] [hider=Something Firefly-esque] I don’t really have a plot for this. Let’s be a ragtag group/duo of space-traveling rogues with questionable morals and a general disregard for the law. This would be strictly OCs. [b]Status:[/b] [color=6ecff6]open[/color][/hider] [hider=Dragon Age: The Mage and the Templar] (Side note: I mention this in the fandoms section, but I’ve only played Origins, Awakening, and DA2, so let’s not do anything concerning or spoiling Inquisition, since I’ve only just started it.) One of our characters is a mage of the circle, one who has proven himself/herself troublesome. Perhaps they’ve run away once or twice, perhaps they’re breaking some of the circles rules. Whatever the case may be, a templar has been assigned to watch them very closely. This templar must accompany the mage through circle shenanigans and adventures outside of the circle. I would be willing to play either the templar or the mage here (I think I’m leaning a bit towards templar at the moment), and I think our characters would initially dislike each other, but that could change, as they are stuck together. [b]Status:[/b] [color=6ecff6]open[/color][/hider] [hider=Dragon Age: The City Elf and the Dalish Elf] (Side note: I mention this in the fandoms section, but I’ve only played Origins, Awakening, and DA2, so let’s not do anything concerning or spoiling Inquisition, since I’ve only just started it.) I really don’t have a plot for this at all, but I would like to play the city elf in this scenario (I really need to brush up on my Dalish knowledge). Maybe the Dalish elf is exiled and forced to come to an alienage. Maybe the city elf ends up wounded in a forest seeking the help of the Dalish. Maybe the Dalish need the city elf for some reason or another. I could go on, but really I just want to play with this pairing. [b]Status:[/b] [color=6ecff6]open[/color][/hider] On the subject of [color=6ecff6][b]FANDOMS[/b][/color]. Here are some that I like, but don’t specifically have plots for. I’d only play OCs with these, and the setting/story can be AU/not super accurate. In some ways, they’re more like inspirations than anything else. If you want to do a fandom roleplay, I’d prefer it if you offer some idea for a plot (if I have one, it will be with the rest of the plots). [list] [*]Dragon Age (I’ve only played Origins, Awakening, and DA2, so let’s please keep away from anything that will spoil Inquisition for me, I’ve only just started it) [*]Skyrim [*]Mass Effect [*]Tortall [*]Firefly [*]Buffy the Vampire Slayer [*]The Marvel Cinematic Universe (Daredevil and Agent Carter are fair game here, but I’m extremely behind on Agents of Shield, so that’s a no-go) (You may be able to convince me to get some canon characters in here, though you may not)[/list] [color=6ecff6][b]GENRES I LIKE:[/b][/color] [list] [*]High Fantasy [*]Modern/Urban Fantasy [*]Steampunk [*]A bit of sci-fi, but I don’t really have much experience in this department[/list] Okay, so I know that there’s kind of a lot to read here, but please at least read my intro and likes/dislikes. You can post here or PM me if you’re interested!