[center] [h2]Gondar, Zakariah's Palace[/h2] Zakariah was sleeping soundly as a man broke through the window of the Sleeping Quarters for the leader of the nation. Zakariah shot awake, but it was to late, the man had a gun aimed at the head of Zakariah. "What, who are you." Zakariah said, his voice quivering. "I am a warrior of Allah." said the man. Zakariah jumped straight at the man, but the gunshot was to fast, Zakariah's head had a hole driven straight through it from the shot and he dropped onto the bed, dead. Everyone in the Palace heard what had just happened, and the Guards with Fasilides ran into the room to see the man just jump out the window. "FATHER!" Fasilides yelled in tears. The guards ran to the bed and kneeled at the dead body of Zakariah. Fasilides looked out the window and pointed for the guards to go and chase the man down. [h2]Addis Ababa[/h2] The Police had the man who murdered Zakariah cornered, seven hours earlier, the shot to the head of the Emperor shook the Empire. Fasilides, who was with the police, approaches the man. "You shall be punished for what you did to my father." Fasilides says, looking the man in the eye. The murderer nods and laugh. "ALLAHU AKBAR." He yells as he explodes, blowing back the Police and Fasilides. [h2]Six Hours Later, Gondar Royal Hospital[/h2] Fasilides woke inside a hospital with doctors all around him working on machinery. "He's Awake." said one of the Doctors. "Good." said the head doctor, walking towards Fasilides. "What happened, where am I?" Fasilides asks? "Well, the man who killed your father blew himself up when you tried to capture him. He killed Five of the Seven people on the mission, you and one of the police officers are the only ones who survived his explosion." voices the doctor. "Wait, so my Father is actually dead?" asks Fasilides? "Yes, you are now the Coptica, head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Religion and Emperor of the Ethiopian Empire, your coronation shall happen when you recover." The doctor states. Fasilides eyes open wide as he realises that he shall lead the nation into an age of expansion, an Age of Rebirth for the Empire. [/center]