Name: Captain Joan Race: human Age: mid none of your business Class:Rouge Combat style: Dirty [img][/img] "I cant remember the last time I was in a tighter spot. A bead of sweat reluctantly slid off my cheek. I was in the bar after close when they came in. Three of the most deadly cutthroats I ever saw. Sat down at a corner table and smelled of the sea. They ordered me to get a pitcher of the houses finest and 4 mugs. When I returned one of the sea devils pushed out a chair with his peg leg. Naturally I sat down. The men poured a drink for themselves and slid a cup over my way." "What be ye name?" "Joan." I said. The beasts nodded, "Ever gamble with yer life, Joan?" "I work here don't I?" I took a drink since these dogs paid for the good stuff. Grins all around, between the three of them they had half a set of teeth. The holes were filled with gold replicas. "Well Joan of the Tavern Gillius. We arr men of chance, Captians of fate as it were. We need a fourth to make this night fair." One slid a hand to the inside of his coat to pull out a deck of cards. "We have a treasure to be sure and cant decide who it should go to. So we arr going to setting the debt right here, right now." The game went late into the night and so did the drinking. At the suns first light the game consisted of me, old one eye, and "Peg". The fourth hit a bottle on top of the half a dozen pitchers and passed out, slid right out of his chair. "Your call Joan." Eyes narrowed. I raised and looked to my left. Old one eye looked at me. "You'll not be taken this hand with out a fight." and pushed all his coin in. "If its a fight yer looking fer, I will aim to give one." Said Peg as he too pushed all his coin into the center of the table. The hand I dropped would kill a weaker person. Might of killed me too. Peg sprung to his feet, "So be it." Grabbing their fallen Captain the three left before the regulars came in. She slid all the coin into her apron. To the left of the chair where the light weight sat was a satchel. Joan opened it to see if it had anything worth keeping. it was a wooden scroll case with the deed inside to "The Gail".... "A SKY GALLY CLASS?!" Great now all I need is a crew and someone to teach me how to sail....."Groan" Motivated by greed Skills: bribe/sense motive/ persuasion/ sleight of hand/ hide/ poison/ listen/open lock/ search