She sensed their auras before she heard them. She pulled her clothes from her the branches and slid them, glad that they were dry. She made sure her weapons were in the right place before standing and jumping into the branches of the trees. She felt her lips quirk as she blended into the shadows of the trees. She listened to them and tried to envision what they were doing and how they were doing. Minutes later she could hear the sound of a handful of dog barking as they moved closer to her. She sent out calming pulses of aura to the dog knowing the less sophisticated animals would receive the message and turn in the other direction. When the dogs did just that, Isaura waited on baited breath for the auras to move far enough away for her to safely reveal herself. She gathered the remainder of her hidden weapons and sheathed them before making her way towards the town. She was about a mile away from the outskirts of town when she could feel the effects of various auras working on her. For a moment, she felt light headed before she, with steadfast resolve, steadied her own nerves and fears of the unknown and ventured closer. She allowed her aura to weave through the cluster that existed and travelled towards one of the less populated areas, glad to feel that the area she travelled to had fewer people because it was rural instead of being because it was a gated community. She found herself walking towards the smell of food because despite being able to live off the energy of other life-sustaining things, she still needed substance to keep her healthy otherwise she would grow weak. She walked into the town and could feel the weight of the town’s people’s gazes on her. She walked into the diner and used the Master’s card to order a plate of grainy, high starch, high fiber food. Already feeling stronger left the diner to find a clothing store so she would not have to constantly wash and re-wear the same pair of clothes every day. Feeling as though that was enough excitement for one day, she made her way back to the woods where she would find a cave to make her own, until a time she was summoned and could return to the comfort of the place she considered home.