[b]Name[/b]: Aegis [b]Age[/b]: Male [b]Gender[/b]: 27 [b]Appearance[/b]: Aegis is about 5 feet, 9 inches tall. He has black Jeans, a red blazer with a black undershirt, and a crimson necklace with an emblem of a golden rose dangling from it. He is pale white, with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Aegis has a jagged scar stretching from above his left eye, down his eyelid, that ends touching the lower left side of his nose. Aegis has an athletic build as well. [b]Canon, AU, or OC[/b]?: AU [b]Universe of Origin[/b]: Kingdom Hearts Universe [b]Personality[/b]: Keeps his intentions very close to himself. Calm, collected, and calculated. Almost impossible to tell if he is angered until it is too late. Relentless in pursuing his goals, yet merciful. Is pleasant but quiet company. Has a tendency to sit in thought frequently, and is a very deep thinker. Highly intelligent and always has a backup plan, except for this whole exile thing that is detailed in Backstory [b]Abilities/Weapons[/b]: •Athletic and moblie •Basic elemental magic attacks (Fire, Blizzard, Thunder); •Minor Cure spell; •Minor Barrier spell that reflects minor attacks back; **Magic descriptions at [url]http://www.destinyislands.com/kh2/magic/[/url] •“OathBlivion” Keyblade – Allows the ability to open most doors and allows the use of light to extend the length of the blade in times of crisis (when threatened)[img]http://i40.tinypic.com/1y8rqr.png[/img] [b]Backstory[/b]: Following the final demise of Master Xehanort at the end of Kingdom Hearts III, Keyblades were once again forged to allow a new generation of Keyblade Warriors to maintain the balance of Light, Darkness, and Twilight in the worlds. The Keyblade Wielders were able to maintain peace and order using the power of the Keyblades for ages, and the worlds prospered once more. Yet one Wielder yearned to not only explore other world, but to explore other universes as well. The new Foretellers condemned this man’s efforts and banished him from the Kingdom Hearts universe, exiling him out of the dimension for all of eternity. This man is Aegis. He has awakened from the forced removal at the entrance to Yggdrasil, an enormous structure whose purpose he does not know. Free of alliances and obligations he once held as a Keyblade wielder, he must now find a new purpose for his existence while realizing his goal of finding the heart of the multiverse, almost as Xehanort had for the worlds many years ago. Faction: Unafilliated at the moment