[quote=@Diabolic] [@Nariata] can I be a Zabrak? [/quote] Sure [quote=@Mcmolly] I'd love to join in on this! I notice a distinct lack of sith here, wouldn't mind changing that :P [/quote] The Sith, as we know it, have died out with Palpatines death. But thats not to say that a new Sith Order can't rise from the ashes. PM me your ideas if you have any :) [quote=@Revans Exile] I have no faith in Disney Wars. I don't read the books nor the comics. As far as I am concerned Star Wars has not moved past the end of Episode VI. I have played some games, but they all take place before the end of Episode VI, even if the game had crstals with bonus abiliies that is not relevant. In the cartoons & movies crystals are identical in function and I will treat all crysals as such no matter what. If that will be a problem let me know. [/quote] Hey it's all good. There are very few crystals that had any effect on the power of a lightsaber when compared with the number of crystals that simply changed the shade of the blade itself. No issue here :D