[center]Ryan quietly observes Ritsu and Lorenzo, scowling at the XO's eagerness. [i]He does realize this is a war right? This isn't just some experiment.[/i] His parents' voices suddenly play in his head, spewing speeches about following any orders without question. The boy shrugs them off as the two adults part, leaving him and his peers alone. As the others introduce themselves he studies each of their faces with a cold glare. If he approves or disapproves of any of them one would not be able to tell. Each one is faced with the same cold, stoic look. Finally, Ryan decides to introduce himself. He steps forward and begins to speak in an icy, hollow tone. "[color=red]Hello. I'm Ryan Goodwell. Pilot of Macabre.[/color]" Ryan is satisfied with his introduction. Short, sweet and not showing emotion. The boy steps back away from the group and watches for reactions. [/center]