Listening to the girl’s explanation, Nai, eased the grip of her staff, relaxing her body. Old friend huh… indeed this girl wasn’t just an ordinary human… the ability to freeze seemed to surface from deep within her. The mage never had seen someone who shows signs of the elemental magic they used like this girl. Her breath was visible in the air as if it was very cold. An old friend huh? Well if that was the case a brief idea ran through the mage’s mind. Was this girl connected to the Fayth that formed Shiva? No that wouldn’t be likely, but was it impossible? Too many question and not enough answers. That was the situation at this moment. [color=6ecff6][b] “You reached the same conclusion huh?”[/b][/color] She said to Gippal when he asked if it was Valefor the girl was referring as an old friend.[color=6ecff6][b]” If I’m not mistaken the Fayth that was Valefor was a young girl. Are you referring to her?”[/b][/color] Nai added to Gippals question as the hum got lauder and eventually a singing voice could be heard.[color=6ecff6][b]” I knew it… the Hymn of the Fayth…Let me ask you this question, did you come to this temple right now for a reason or was it coincedence?”[/b][/color] Something was definitely going wrong here. The fayths should have stopped their singing and dreaming a long time ago. If that was the case why was the fayth in this temple singing again? Naisha felt the desire to enter the chambers and check what was going on inside.