in the midst of the The Preacher's sermon the lights flickered once more the chanting cut off. the jumbotron then showed the poster now fully advertising the Dark Wood circus as new music started to play. then a man stepped out with microphone in hand. "Ah your here! Your here! Tonight we will be showing the sad fate that some of this world carry. Children that god has abandoned, restlessly creeping out. Children who cant even carry the trembling limps they were born with! their shaking tongues even accidentally cry out, the crown of their heads that caress the dark clouds. They smile as they dream of their mother's embrace. THE DEFORMITY! DEFORMITY!" the man smiled " thank you for dropping by and seeing us." then singing started "there in the woods, deep in the darkness, there it lies the dark circus. the chairman with his wide eyes and stilted height of ten meters. The actors, trampled and misshapen their bodies odd but also very entertaining at the circus in the dark woods. a two headed freak show! a singing chimera wonder and something that eats his own kind a blue beast that you see here" as it mentioned the chairman and the other members of the Dark Woods Circus who appeared with the man. they were all smiles as they descended down the ramp towards the preacher leaving the mouth of dark wood circus on top to watch. the chairman was a tall 7 footer. the two head freak show were dressed a twin brother and sister. Chimera the deformed diva wearing her mask that covered half her face. then blue beast, all blue from head to toe and it was obvious they were going after the preacher and his cohorts. as the beast, chimera and the twins started surrounding the ring. the chairman blocking the exit to the ramp. then the mouth spoke "your god abandoned us and now you and him will both suffer. at this circus there are no gods and no masters only darkness." then the mouth laughed as the dark wood circus started their attack on the preacher and his follower. (the theme for the dark woods circus) [url][/url]