I played the first episode after I got it off the Steam sale, and liked it. I bought the rest of the episodes, but, because I have been disinterested in playing games lately, I haven't gotten around to playing them. Though, I plan on playing them today. Here are my thoughts I posted on tumblrrrrr: [quote]I played the first episode of Life is Strange, and I want more. I just picked it up off the Steam sale for two dollars because, hey, might as well give it a shot, and the world the game thrusted me into was pretty damn interesting. The story is pretty catching. I like how they incorporated time powers. In a way, it’s pretty much a rewind button that you can use in case something doesn’t go as planned. But in another way, it’s a way to see how everything plays out before you make a choice. Time rewinding or not, you’re still stuck with one option, and I like how they made the choices have plenty of impacts, and the subtle, long-term, implications of your actions. If I were to criticize it, I’d say that the protagonist (and a large degree of the cast for that matter) is rather… bland. They have their own dimensions and story, but none of them really stand out. Just the usual high-school tropes (Introverted loner, ♥♥♥♥♥y rich girl, punk rebel, jackass jock… Etc). Stuff you haven’t seen before. Which isn’t a bad thing, just that it makes it harder to really - you know - care about the characters. Other times, I’d have to say that the writing/dialogue is wooden, forced, and contrived sometimes (Especially when they use the slangs. Please God no.). And the controls are… pretty awkward (Very hard to get used to). Well, I only played the first episode, so things might be different in the other episodes. Dunno. I’d still recommend Life is Strange if you want a storybased game. I’m pretty engaged in the story, and I want to see more. … I just have to wait two weeks before I get money again.[/quote] [hr] [quote=@Aline] Really? How come? I thought she was fine. [/quote] She's super forced. I literally can't take her seriously as a character. Easily my least favorite character.