[@Diabolic] You are welcome. :) Very interesting person and idea. let me think about it and after I get this RP on its feet and not tottoering, I'll get back with you on that. [@xXSINXx] You are welcome. :) [@Eklispe] and [@Diabolic] as well as all others. If anyone would have asked in orientation, you would have been told that many people have a magical core. The problem is that the magical core has been so polluted that it has hard for normal people to open their magical core on their own. On a very rare occasion a person will open his or her magical core. When a student goes through the picture, the magical core is opened and students may use their magic. The Castle is sentient which means that it has feelings and can make simple decisions that is designed to protect the students. The Spell will allow students to use magic according to their level. IE: Level 1 students can use Level 1 magic with no problems. The same will go for each level. The Castle Spell will also destroy forbidden items such as drugs, cigarettes, unacceptable items like the necronomicon. But if the item is in the hands of an adult, the castle will do nothing to it. Any other questions relating to magic and being able to use magic?