A guy emerged from the freezer with a girl behind him. Well that explained everything. They must had been hooking up or something. She watched a snake wriggle out of his jacket and to the floor in confusion. This town really did just get weirder and weirder every day. "Hope you don't like this place's coffee too much, Cutie," The guy said, "Sharade's up, girl. Spill while we all still have time to play this little game." Was he talking to her? Rose nervously took a step back as a ball of fire formed out of no where in his hand. "Oh, and other guy. I hope you're either special or good at playing dumb. Cause if you aren't, you ain't leavin." Rose could recognized him from school as well but she couldn't place his name. She knew he was Curtis's brother at least. Speaking of which, Curtis was next to talk. "Rose, what my brother here is trying to say is that his snake has a nose, err tongue, for sniffing out people like him and I. Right now Yormie is looking really interested in you. We're fairly certain you can do something special. As you can see now you're not alone. So why don't you show us what it is you can do?" Curtis looked back at Carson, "Carson, I'm gonna need you to keep quiet about what's going on here. Okay? And will you help a friend out and close the blinds on the windows before the whole mall knows what's going down?" So she really wasn't the only one who can do freaky things after all. That was somewhat comforting but Rose wasn't sure she wanted to spill the beans to a bunch of people she didn't know too well. It would still be easier than telling her mom. However the only thing she could manage to think of to say was:[color=lightcoral] "Aw well Yormie's really cute. Hi little snake! I think you're interesting too." [/color] She forced a giggle to lighten the situation. What if these people were crazy or something? Would they kidnap her? Thankfully, Carson went on a story about how he met his four year old self and could make more of himself. She wasn't sure she believed that one but she supposed anything was possible if she could make things fly and the snake guy could make fire balls out of thin air. Maybe she was on a reality show and she was being pranked. [color=lightcoral]"Wow Carson. That's crazy. What a wild story." [/color] Rose commented and patted his shoulder gently, [color=lightcoral]"I hope that works out for you well buddy... Mom! Is that you waiting outside the coffee shop? I hear you mom! I'm coming!"[/color] and with that, she made a bolt for the door.