"Yes, the assassination will definately act as a catalyst for conflict," said Folami Sow, nodding towards one of the governors attending the meeting. "In addition-" suddenly, the doors burst open and and a small group of armed men entered rushed into the room and aimed their weapons and Folami Sow. "What's the meaning of this?" asked the president. "We demand to speak to the president about our military," said one of the soldiers angrily. "We refuse to take orders from those Nigerian scum." "I understand your anger, but what right do you have to barge in here with weapons? Put your guns down! I will discuss the issue, but not like this!" said President Sow, grasping the barrel of one of the guns that had gotten particularly close to him and pointing towards the floor. [i] But right now[/i] Thought Folami Sow [i] I need to go to Germany. [/i]