Marko was looking over the control panel when, from the corner of his eye, he spotted Fischer going on one of his security walks before they arrived at the jump point. After he was past Marko started patting his cargo pant pockets looking to make sure he still had them. Letting out a sigh as his hand came to rest on a small pack in his bottom left cargo pocket. [i]"That would be a shame if he found that. I would have to-"[/i] His thoughts were interrupted by the transmission from command, and Fischer coming back through. "Acknowledged, keep the light on. Over." Marko said as he glanced at Fischer when he passed. Pressing a few buttons and flipping a switch he opened one of three key lock switch guards. One was already open, and flashing green signifying that a transmission switch was ready. The one that Marko inserted his key into said aerial, and he turned the key causing the light above the key to flash green in sync with the other. Marko removed the key and stood by the button labeled [i][b]Transmission Type Transfer[/b][/i] waiting for the command to engage the surface aerial engines.