In Rielach, there's a single, ancient forest covering most of the continent known as Kiruth. There's a hallowed, just-as-ancient stone path leading from the nearest town, known humbly as Oakstown. Halfway through the path is... a small camp, and a sheet just a short jog away. On the sheet, an older man is sitting, having a picnic, and seeming to converse with... some sort of giant wasp? "When do you think they'll arrive, Thorn? Most of them said today or tomorrow, but things happen. I hope they won't take too long. Or get killed by wolves. Or bears... Eh, they probably won't, I trained them all pretty well, I think. What say you?" Obviously, no reply. "Aww, you're too kind. That Schulze one too, hmm? I barely needed to train him! I can tell he's seen some things best not talked about, though. Well, I think so. That half-elf as well, seems a bit... passive to be a hunter, but I assume he'll grow out of it." Joshua sniffed at the air, and saw three people in the distance closing in. Schulze, Alex, and Eresing. Perfect. Joshua stood up, taking a bit longer then usual due to his failing age, and waved at them, beckoning them to sit next to him. "You three! Just on time, lovely! Please, Please, sit down, I prepared a camp and some food, you all must be hungry, it's a long jog!"