[@Illusion][@Aline] Well, then I'm sorry if I was rude. But like I said I simply can't keep up with the insanity that the OOC of this particular RP became. It's literally like, [i]"Oh, I blinked... WTH!? 20 new posts already?"[/i] I have things to do on RL so this amount of speed posting will always shy me out of any forum discussion, not just an RP. This isn't Skype/Watsapp, by God's sake! Now, I know it wasn't your fault and am not mad at you or Illusion and thus I apologize again if I seemed rude. I don't like to point fingers, the persons that did that know that they are guilty. The IC didn't help with it too, seriously, 67 plus posts while I could do only 3? And like 70% of them came from the very same players endlessly replying to one another, instead of taking the whole bickering to a separate PM or something like this and then letting us know only how it fared in single post, since getting in between their talk was impossible, which leads to reason #2. The other thing that threw me away of this RP was that the Only person who addressed Chou without being strong-armed into doing that was Kits [@Kitsune] and it's just because of him that I feel bad for dropping this RP. Of course I don't expect people to go out of their way to talk to my character, but when I do talk to someone and they simply act like I don't exist until a third party tell them that I'm there, I simply prefer to oblige and drop the hell outa there. And that's exactly what happened with [@GarlandDaHero], [@White Feather] and [@Spriggs27], they simply only addressed Chou because Kits told them to, either IC or OOC. I had high expectations for this RP, so it's a shame that I have to give up in such a way. Again I apologize to you all and specially to Kits, 'cause Reiko and Chou's relationship looked like it would be a real thrill. I guess the only thing that I can do now is keep lurking in search for a good slice of life RP, or... come up with one of my own, whatever comes first. Anyway, I'm sorry for the whining as this kind of thing is very rare from me. Sorry again, see ya!