EVERYONE SO FAR IS ACCEPTED BUT I'M TOO LAZY TO EDIT THE CS PAGE SO ... YEAH YOU'RE ALL IN!!!! Now, couple more ladies and we're good to go!! We shall start off on temporary shore-leave, your chars can be goofing off around the Citadel (seems a good place to start off!) or aboard the SIRIUS waiting for everyone else to hop on board and then take off. No more than 2 posts on the Citadel (we want to get out into space so the whole rp wont be stuck on shore leave) any business you have on the citadel or with another character off of the SIRIUS, wrap it up within 2 posts each or move it from the Citadel onto the SIRIUS :D Hope that makes sense. All aboard the SIRIUS, we can have a brief team pow-wow on the bridge then you're free to do whatcha want!!!! plot discussions etc go right ahead in here, we'll be up and running soon once we have a couple of these ladies