[quote=@poog the pig] I'm going to have people PM me their hero ideas, soon, however I don't feel entirely comfortable with people using canon characters, unless you can play them really well. Original characters are fine, however, as long as they make sense. [/quote] It was just a casual question. And it's not like I was going to pick Arthuria or anything like that, Gil on the other hand... It's just because of the many servants that were used in supplementary material, like F/E and F/A, people can easily overlook some of them if they aren't big Nasuverse know-it-alls and so it might grate with established canon. On that matters there's no need for a CS Template for the servants, just use the canon one, it saves a lot of thought. Also, how powerful can our servants be, 'cause creatures like Spartacus (that ugly Berzerker) make no sense at all, if you're wondering the source of my complaints about that guy, it's because he has a canon EX rank endurance, which pretty much makes him unkillable, the only reason why he died on F/A is because all servants from that LN are as imbalanced as hell.