Turns the page of his text book as he walks down the hall. Getting to home room was simple enough. Trying not to get too excited about finding the perfect desk next to the window. Turns page, sitting at his desk he put his book down and pulled out his laptop. He writes a letter home, the same letter he has worked on ever since he was sent to live with his uncle. He could hear his dad say, "You only fail me when you don't try." He sent Guy off to get an education to learn all the skills he would need to be successful in whatever field he chose. His only son, he knew that this was guys best shot for a good life. He knew his dad was doing the right thing by sending him off. This was because Guys dad loved him and he gets letters from both mom and dad say how proud they are and how munch they think of him. Uncle gave him a phone to call home. He gets regular calls from home twice a month, and at the end for what ever reason he never says I love you both mom and dad. Not once in the years guy attended school in the city this is his second year and still not once. He sat and thought how grateful he should feel and privileged. He felt so selfish when they sacrificed so munch for him to have a good life. Guy would torch ever book he owned for a hug from his parents. "Sigh." He closed the laptop. So selfish, he thought. Reopening his text book waiting for class to begin, Guy turned the page waiting for home room to end and the classes to start.