[color=ADD8E6][h2]Eric[/h2][/color] Eric and his Pokemon sat quietly at the Aurios table; watching people from all over Atlas eating and socializing with one another. It was odd seeing the inhabitants of each country together like this. Life experience told Eric that when residents of different regions got together, violence was a practical guarantee. It had genuinely surprised him that a fight hadn't broken out yet. With so many different beliefs piled together in one room, the situation was very dangerous. Whatever this problem was, it must have been very important for the emperor to risk the safety of his citizens. It seemed that the last of the volunteers were flocking into the dining hall now, and many of the ones already seated appeared to be finishing up their meal. Soon enough, Eric found himself watching the castle entrance as more people entered. So many strange characters were coming in now. However, none of them really stood out more than the others. You had your common soldier plodding in with their beefy Pokemon. Then, you had the shy girls sneaking in with their more bashful Pokemon. The tables were filling up quicker and quicker with each second that passed. Eric was about to turn back towards the table, when a small girl, just entering, caught his eye. She was fit, with green hair and light blue eyes. She was very beautiful, but it wasn't her appearance that stood out. It was her lack of companionship. She didn't enter with a [i]single[/i] Pokemon. [color=ADD8E6][i]Did she not have any? Or, perhaps, were they too big to fit inside?[/i][/color] Whatever the reason, it grabbed Eric's attention and caused him to watch her for a bit. She seemed rather excited for the roasted Bouffalant on the table in front of her, but after being rudely cut in front of, her expression changed and became very mournful and sullen. She walked over to the south wall, rested against it, and looked down at the floor in depression. Eric deduced she was upset from being denied a plate of the Bouffalant, and there happened to be a little bit left at his section of the table. He scooped whatever was left of it onto his plate, stood up, and walked over toward the young girl in the corner; his Lucario, Zoroark, and Mightyena following close behind. Soon enough, he reached the young girl. For a moment, he rested against the wall next to her. After he planned his words out, he spoke loud enough for her to hear.[/color] [color=ADD8E6][b]"Hey,"[/b][/color] he said, trying to get her attention. [@illusion]