[h2]School Quadrangle[/h2] There was someone with a gun on school grounds. The incoherent screams cascaded from one tiny schoolkid to the next as they returned to the quadrangle after the havoc the pterodactyl man had wrought. Initial D was very popular and the sight of the car from the anime would normally be calming, but some crazy one-eyed schoolgirl had just pulled a gat on a man. Whenever people pulled guns in schools, bad things happened, as every person around the world knew judging from the stories to come out of America, year in and year out. The screams were deafening. This was a very, very serious crime. Teachers ran out of their classrooms, bystanders stood at the ruined gates, and all around, cell phones came out of bags and pockets and started dialing emergency numbers. The assumption was made. This crazy Japanese schoolgirl wielding an Israeli-made weapon was a terrorist, and had to be taken out as soon as possible. [h2]Steven Diggs[/h2] "AY MAN WHAT THE FUCK?!" Steven Diggs called out over the ear-piercing screams. "What the FUCK you tryin' t'do wit' dat? Y'aint goin' shoot up a school like some crazy mawfugga are ya?!" He couldn't believe it! Who the hell pulls a gun in a school? Does nobody watch Real American news? And in Japan! An Uzi! When he'd tried to get a gun he'd been met with 'No no sorry sorry'. How the hell did this crazy slanty-eye get one? "Put th'gun down, mawfugga! You likely got pow-lice, an' army, an' special forces an' the Japanese Nip Nong Samurai Brigade comin'ere now t'bust yo ass!" Steve implored, sounding half angry and half worried. "So jus'... jus' put it down, y'dig?!"