Name: Miles "Tails" Prower Age: 8 Gender: Male Appearance: A short anthropomorphic Fox, with mustard yellow orange fur and white belly and white tail tip colourings, also wears gloves, and a tool pouch around his waist. Origin: AU Universe of Origin: The Mobian Universe. Personality: Young and childish but very very smart Tails is a child prodigy he is very kind and timid, but at times very friendly and willing to comlpy, he aspires to be like Sonic the Hedgehog, a hero and has become more self confident over the years he has been Sonics sidekick, and now stays out of most of his plans becoming more independent and mature. Abilities/Weapons: Tail Swipe/Whip: Tails can use his tail like a whip and deal minor amounts of damage. Spin Dash: Can curl into a ball and can spin in one place and accelerate at really high speeds. Flying: Tails may fly for short distances using his two 'twin' tails to rise and fall in the air (he can also use them to move around faster then usual while on the ground. Wrench: A large monkey wrench that Tails can use as a tool and an effective weapon as well. Normal combat skills: Normal hand-to-hand combat or fist fighting as any person would know. Backstory:From Mobius the young Tails had a hard time making friends and fitting in, that is until Tails met Sonic they were best friends at the first moment, they had many adventures together even traveled to other worlds keeping peace from Dr.Eggman, and later Tails decided it time to become his own person and to not live in Sonic's shadow and so Tails has become more independent but still good friends with Sonic. Faction: Factionless.