She looked to her hand as it was suddenly frozen to the sheath under the guard. She had never in her life seen someone do that. She tried to move her hand but it was in vain, it couldn't even move a millimeter. She glared up at the woman and was prepared to fight with her hand frozen like that. She had at many times before only fought with the sheath backhanded to subdue a criminal without a lethal weapon. It was then Alex exploded with anger daring the woman and picking a fight, but instead of jumping into the fray she quickly turned and grabbed her sword and hand, crushing it with ease. She let out a yelp, expecting her hand to get crushed in the process. But thankfully due to the cold her hand didn't feel it as much. [i][b][color=7B68EE]"The gods hear your words and they pity your display."[/color][/b][/i] She shook her hand trying to get some feeling back into it before the woman attacked, as she sounded ready to. She paued though however and looked to her right to see Gippal walking slowly in front of them. She didn't expect that... he seemed so calm and collected, She looked at his face and he seemed to be thinking deeply before asking. [b][i]"Are you looking for the Fayth that used to Reside here?"[/i][/ He then added. "Valefor?" He sheathed his knifes, and raised his palms. She looked back to the rider to see her face “You reached the same conclusion huh?” Alora heard Naisha say to Gippal. The woman perked up with a happy look coming onto her face. Apparently he was spot on, same with Naisha. The rider now actually more human with that expression on her face, instead of a blank slate, she whispered [color=7B68EE]"Valefor..."[/color] as if testing the words after a long time. She seemed to relax... [i]this is good, keep it up...[/i] she thought to herself as Naisha spoke again [color=00aeef][b][i]” If I’m not mistaken the Fayth that was Valefor was a young girl. Are you referring to her?”[/i][/b][/color] Nai added to Gippals question as the hum got lauder and eventually a singing voice could be heard.[i][b][color=00aeef]” I knew it… the Hymn of the Fayth…Let me ask you this question, did you come to this temple right now for a reason or was it coincedence?” [/color][/b][/i] [i][b][color=7B68EE]"I have wandered for a very long time. Then I heard my friend calling to me..."[/color] [/b][/i] The rider stood silent a moment longer, then looked down as though thinking of something. When she looked back up, her emotionless face was back. Alora heard the rider chuckle. She turned to face the entire group once again. [b][i][color=7B68EE]"I'm sorry... but I can't keep her waiting any longer."[/color][/i][/b] Quickly, she dropped down into a stance as though she as about to make a lunge towards them, Alora's sword flashed out of her sheath, no way she would be caught again. But it didn't come, the rider had a large, blue and black alchemy-like circle formed underneath her and took up the entire opening leading into the hub room between the cloister and the chamber of the fayth. With a grunt, the rider leapt backwards into the room, and in her wake a frozen wall. Through the dull transparency of the ice, they would be able to see the rider turn and run into the chamber of the fayth. [color=007236]"Damn it.."[/color] She said softly, she jerked back as Alex said, [i][b][color=ed1c24]"Why you little.... RAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" [/color][/b][/i] she jumped towards the wall and started slamming her fists into it. She tried to step up and tell her to calm down, but she felt that maybe it would be best not to distract her fury... Soon the Ice wall crackled, groaned and with a final punch shattered a whole large enough for them to get through. Alora took this chance to follow...for some reason she felt she was going to get in major trouble doing this... But she followed up into the Fayth's Room behind Alex.