[u][i][b]Karnage, Jon & Gemma[/b][/i][/u] “Kidnapped?” Zesiro sounded skeptical. He did not lower his weapon upon request. “Who kidnapped you?” Zesiro also wanted to ask why, but that question could wait. The ugly one was an anomaly and may have been targeted for that reason alone. As for the man, his story was less obvious, though he seemed to speak for the pair. “Do you have names?” Zesiro asked. “We can get you somewhere warm, [i]if[/i] you answer my questions.” Out of the corner of his eyes, Jon would notice something… [i]His stunner[/i]. It was in the cold, dead, green hand. The body lay half-charred several feet behind and to the left of Zesiro and Gemma. [u][i][b]Vata[/b][/i][/u] Alexavier watched Vata with a furrowed brow. “Either you are mad… Or you are correct. Anyone should know me… at least… in my... [i]world[/i].” He shivered. The idea that he had traversed [i]dimensions[/i] somehow against his will was a disturbing one. “We need more information. Let us look to see if we can find anyone else in this wretched place…” “I would be happy to acquiesce your request!” A deep and jolly voice called out from the snow shroud around them. They would turn to see a man wearing winter gear, tall boots, and a coat with many pockets. He had had long braided hair and a sly smile. His arms were weaponless, open, as if he were ready to give them a hug. Behind him were three other men, matching coats and pants and tinted goggles. They had weapons but their muzzles were pointed to the snowy ground. “My name is Twain. I am here on a mission to figure out… Well... What the hell is going on here.” He rolled his head from side to side as he spoke. “Do you think that either of you could clue me in on that one?” [u][i][b] Ryann, Herbert, Dimitri, Will[/b][/i][/u] Once the troupe left the gruesome scene of ritual, down the stairs, and into the room below they would see that William had told the truth. There were 12 backpacks, one of which Will had already ransacked. Each backpack contained a set of winter clothes: Boots, thermal pants, coat, underwear, cap, gloves, and scarf. These were the cloths of experienced campers. Each backpack also contained a flashlight, utility knife, camping stove and cans of spam and Siva-Cup instant coffee packets. Each backpacked also contained at least one unique item, something personal… 2) A family photo of some sort, two women, one young and one old. 3) A bottle of tylenol, and a book: “In the Name of the Wind.” 4) A deck of well-used playing cards. 5) One had nothing unique in it… 6) Chocolate bars, TARDIS socks, and and gold-titanium alloy ring. 7) The most recent issue of Playboy magazine, and an ipod with only ukulele music on it. 8) Yarn and a half knitted sweater, a penny whistle, and a bottle of Lynx. 9) A bottle of ‘Peachtree’ peach schnapps, and a bag of dice: Some of the die had 20 sides, or 10, 6, 8, 4... 1. 10) A Sudoku book,TARDIS socks, and gold-titanium alloy ring 11) A rather large bag of marshmallows and graham crackers. 12) A sketchbook with an array of oil pastels and blunted pencils Dzel walked quietly and took a seat in the corner. Dimitri said he wanted to look at her wounds so she began to peel off her armor. She did not seem to care for her own modesty in this process. She revealed the bruises on her neck, arms, and cheek. As she removed the mail shirt large deep claw-marks could be found on her shoulder and thigh. She winced as she lifted the chain mail from these areas. The wounds were deep but not bleeding, they had congealed somehow, the areas were wet and sticky. With such wounds the girl should not have been walking around. She shrugged. “I’m tough…”