[list] [*][b]Name[/b]: Kotegawa Himeko [*][b]Age[/b]: 115 [*][b]Gender[/b]: Female [*][b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1526150]Though probably with smaller ears[/url] [*][b]Personality[/b]: Cocky and arrogant about her ability, and initially dismissive of most others, Himeko is someone that's hard to like, but if you can get over her prickly exterior, can be a surprisingly thoughtful and intimate friend - even if her nicer side is hidden behind a wall of excuses. Obviously, Himeko has a love of combat, and feels the need to prove her might to the world. To this end, she will refuse no challenge, no matter how much stronger or weaker the opponent seems to be... and is weak to offers from others to become her pupil, even if she has no real teaching capability. Himeko has a love for extremely cute things, which she is not shy about displaying. If someone or something strikes her fancy, they/it are on a fast track to her collection of cute things. Refusals will not be accepted! [*][b]Skills[/b]: Compared to humans, her sense of hearing and smell are slightly better. Although rarely utilised, Himeko can be a convincing liar, as well. And she can eat even the most vile of foods! [*][b]Abilities[/b]: Foxfire - Standard kitsune magic attack, used mostly for mid-range opponents. Or making her punches look more awesome. Illusions - Still extremely weak; all she can manage to do is alter the appearance of her clothes. Which she can't even maintain during anything more strenuous than a casual walk. Martial Arts - Fist-fights are her speciality, after all. [*][b]Brief History[/b]: Himeko was just your average, everyday fox that just happened to live slightly longer than most other foxes. As the 100-year mark grew closer, Himeko spent more of her time in the vicinity of towns and cities, absorbing whatever knowledge she could about their way of life. And she just so happened to spend most of her time in a village that revolved around settling all disputes with martial arts. She found the near-limitless styles of combat and philosophy quite intriguing, to say the least. Now that she's gained a human body and all the knowledge she could possibly need, Himeko caught wind of the tournament and figured she could test the strength she's gained in the last fifteen years. [/list]