[color=bfbcbc][h1] Jack of Aurios [/h1][/color] [color=bfbcbc][i]Easy now, the people in this place will want to gut you[/i] and [i]your Pokemon.[/i][/color] Jack thought to himself as he entered through the ornate large doors, running a hand along the designs. He stopped momentarily in the doorway to truly gaze upon the grand palace, he had only been to a place similar like this and it was for his brother's funeral. Seeing such bright colors and architecture made him think back to his first time walking in for his brother's funeral, Jack's legs nearly failed him and he perspired like melting snow...it wasn't any different this time around. [color=red]"Move along!"[/color] One of the guards grumbled loudly to Jack, who had apparently been blocking quite a few people from entering the palace as he just did. Jack smiled sheepishly and trudged forward, legs made of lead but shaking like a tornado, as he replied, "Sorry! Which way to the meeting area?" The guard lazily pointed towards Jacks' destination, [color=red]"Just follow the crowd."[/color] [color=bfbcbc][i]Very helpful, I can tell this is going to be a blast already.[/i][/color] The Auriosian hunter thought to himself, he passed several painting, portraits, and decorations as he moved with the small, thin crowd. It was then that he was able to truly see how everyone else looked. Some were expressionless, probably hoping to hide their anger or fear, others were giddy with joy while most had furrowed brows. Their clothes were something to marvel, compared to Jack at least. Fancy clothes, shining armor and jewels, and the finest of weapons made Jack feel like he was walking the streets naked while everyone else was clothed. Their Pokemon were magnificent, he saw almost every type and could tell how close they were to their respective 'owners'. Jack felt Garuda, his Spearow, shift on his left shoulder; no doubt feeling the same way or comforting him in what little manner she could. His eyes went down to Vulcan, his Chimchar, but all they met were the shining floors of the castle. [color=bfbcbc]"Wh-what? Vulcan!"[/color] Jack half-yelled, drawing strange looks from passersby as he frantically began his search for his trouble making Chimchar of his recent brother's. [color=ff5a00]"Chim-Chimchar!"[/color] Was all he heard, spinning around in search of that flaming Pokemon. Eventually he found Vulcan, standing atop one of the small tables inspecting a vase as it threatened to tip over. Gasping, not having the mind to yell, Jack's previously lead legs became springs as he tried to stop Vulcan from ruining their adventure before it even began. Alas, he wasn't fast enough as the vase began to fall to the beautiful floors of the castle, Jack dove with hands outstretched in hopes of catching it as Garuda flew forwards to grab a hold of Vulcan; she flew high above with anger in her eyes. Time seemed to slow as Jack saw the vase fall roughly into his hands, with a sigh he stood and placed it back on the small table. [color=bfbcbc]"You nearly gave me a heart attack! We're here to help out everyone and represent Aurios well and you're just....going to ruin it!"[/color] Jack scolded Vulcan as Garuda placed him on the floor, flying atop to Jack's left shoulder once more. The Chimchar's flaming tail shrunk in shame as it stared at the floor, Jack trying to burn two holes through it with his eyes. Garuda tightened her grip on Jack's shoulder, who gulped and with a sigh he stretched out his hand, [color=bfbcbc]"Come on, we don't want to be any more late than we already are."[/color] Vulcan's tail erupted as it smiled, climbing and grabbing hold of Jack's right arm to climb into his pack; his small head peeking over Jack's right shoulder. Jack continued towards the meeting, passing a mirror to get a full look at himself and his two companions. Jack wore a large back pack with enough room for Chimchar to climb into, his snow white cloak trimmed in ice blue, brown winter clothes underneath, and thick boots on his feet. His dark black hair unruly as ever and his sky blue eyes piercing through the reflection, he had developed a bit of a shadow on his face and planned to shave it off soon. His weapons, the bow, daggers, shortsword, and quiver, were back at a nearby inn along with his other supplies he normally kept in his back pack. He hoped he wouldn't need them and he figured if he showed up weaponless, maybe peace would come quicker. Garuda squinted at the mirror while Vulcan grinned happily, waving at himself. [color=bfbcbc]"You remember to put out your flame, Vulcan?" [/color] Jack asked, looking back slightly at his companion. Sniffing, he smelt the hint of smoke as Vulcan made a small noise, [color=bfbcbc]"You're gonna burn my pack again!"[/color] Jack half-yelled once more at Vulcan as the small flame Pokemon struggled to put out it's flaming tail. [center]__________[/center] The trio entered the dinning hall, gazing at the display of food and even [i]more[/i] people sitting at tables for each nation. No one seemed to be mixing as far as he could tell. Jack found his way to the edge of the room and observed for a moment, studying the people of the room before making his way to the table closest to the Aurios one. If trouble reared it's head from him sitting down and conversing with another nation, he wanted to be close to his home table.